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Monday, February 25, 2013

Agree or Disagree (Wk 22)

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? No matter how you answer, please tell us WHY! This response should be 3+ sentences in length.

Freedom is a state of mind.

You can respectfully respond to another students if you'd like!


Hunter S. red block said...

freedom is not a state of mind it is a physical state being. take for example we have freedom of speech and religion. we have freedom in this country but do consider this not all countries have as much freedom. i guess it can also be a state of mind like say you have been keeping a secret from someone and they just tell them what they wanted to tell them that can mean you are free from that burden. my answer is yes and no.
im thinking philshopicly here.

Ariana W. red block said...

Freedom is and is not a state of mind. It can be a state of mind because when someone is completely overjoyed, they feel as free as a mighty eagle soaring in the sky. But when a person is suffering from great sadness or a large amount of grief, they feel as if they are weighed down by a heavy lead weight. It can also be a physical state because it is like a right. For example, the slaves that worked in the fields for long hours each day right before the Civil War had no freedom because they literally belonged to the slave owner as if they were just a piece of land or furniture.

Shannon S, Blue Block said...

I feel that freedom is a state of mind in several ways. This is because when you are free of harm or captivity, you do not have any worries and are free to do as you please. Not having freedom limits what you can do and changes how you think and how you go about. For example, Crispin is nervous when he enters the city Great Wexly, for fear of being caught by John Aycliffe.

Norman H. Blue Block said...

I agree and disagree with this quote. I agree with Hunter S that most of the time, freedom is a physical state, and you can choose how you act in life. But thinking takes a big part in it, because you choose how you act in your mind. Freedom is, and is not, a state of mind.

Unknown said...

I think freedom is a state of mind because it depends on the decisions you make and why. If you feel you are free and are happy with the situation you are in then it's up to you and what you think of it.

Maya Waddell Red Block said...

yes. You can make yourself think and it will make you feel how you chose. If you think you're free, you'll feel free. If you feel trapped, you won't feel free.

Cal Lewis Red Block said...

Freedom is a state of mind, a person who believes they are free doesn't think twice about it. They have a placed reserved in their mind for freedom. Take American for instance, if someone was to take out their entire military no on would feel safe. Things that people would never thought imaginable are now possible. Though it alwayshas been.

Cathryn Seibel, Red Block said...

Freedom is a state of mind, kind of like being happy. It's all about perspective, how you look at it, how you choose to take it. Being 'free' doesn't necessarily mean you have no rules, take America for instance, we're free but that doesn't mean that we get to do whatever we want to do. If you believe you are free you are.

Jack S. Red block said...

Freedom is, and isn't a state of mind. It can be a physical state being, your physical freedom, religion, speech etc. It also has to do with thinking. your acting depends on how much freedom YOU believe you have. This will affect how you act in your mind. Freedom is, and isnt a state of mind

Tiffani T. Blue Block said...

Freedom is definitely a state of mind. For example, you can let your mind wander where ever you would like it to go. Even though if some people knew what you were thinking, they may not like you for much longer, you can stiff think whatever it is you want to think because no one can read your mind! Also, say you are not free physically, then you can just live in your mind. You can always be free in your mind, even when you are not free physically, you can be free in your mind. Thinking that you are free pretty much makes you free, because you feel free. So yes, freedom is a state of mind.

Delaney T. Blue Block said...

Freedom is a state of mind. It is a perspective on life, and can be interpreted through many experiences. For example, someone with a horrible life can be extremely optomistic, and always see the brighter sides of tough situations. You can't really make someone stop thinking positively. Although freedom can also be an illusion, idea, dream, or image.

Kiki L. Red Block said...

Freedom is a state of mind. You can think freely, and creatively. It does not matter what others think about your thoughts. Maybe you cannot be free physically, but you can have your own world in yout mind.

Jordan Hibbs, Blue Block said...

I think that freedom can be a state of mind but it also isn't a state of mind. Freedom, in the aspect of mental satisfactory or happiness, is a state of mind. Freedom, in the aspect of slavery or ownership, can also be a physical state because you could be a slave to someone. This means that you are owned by them and they control what you do and how you act.

Laura J., blue block said...

Freedom is both a state of mind and also not a state of mind. You could have a demanding ruler, but still be happy with your life. The two aren't always directly related, but they can occasionally be. If you set your mind on it though, you could eventually be free. If you feel free, you will feel less stressed. If you feel like you're under control, then you won't feel free. It depends on both your state of mind and also the way you act. If you act small and are quiet, then you are generally looked past. If you fit in and contribute, people listen to you. You should feel free enough to talk to others and express yourself.

Julia W. Blue Block said...

I agree with this statement. Freedom is a state of mind, because if you don't feel free, then you can't be free. I completely agree with Ariana W. that if a person is happy, they may feel more free than someone who is in a sad emotional state. Freedom is like an emotion, you can feel it in different situations. It isn't something that has an out-right definition.

Parker lum, red block said...

Freedom is what you perceive freedom as. For one person freedom could be just being able to think nasty thoughts about a person they hate. For another person freedom could just be: eating chips. You can also be physically free, but still be imprisoned emotionally. So my answer is no, you can be both mentally free and physically free.

Tyler Harris Blue Block said...

The only way freedom would be a state of mind is that you can think what you want etc. But some of the time you can't control it, for example you could be sad for no reason. Freedom doesn't always mean a state of mind, it can also mean your eligible to do certain things. I don't really understand why people say that the USA is a land of the free, but freedom is a state of mind, state of being and a state of civilization.

Simon R. blue block said...

I think that freedom is a state of mind. Though,the modern American does not believe so because we basically can do what ever we want. This is simply because we always want more and more feeling trapped with the "few" items we have. But your mind is the thing that decides if you are free or not. For example one man might find being free for being able to pray his own religion with out being harassed or hurt. And another might think of freedom as being able to choose their own cell phone.

Arianna S. Red Block said...

I disagree with this statement. Freedom is not a state of mind it is a physical being. Freedom is doing what you want. You can not be free in your mind because being free is also having the ability to show others that you are free.

Ryan C. Blue Block said...

Freedom is a state of mind. If you can go off in your own little word where you are free and you feel free, then absolutley it is a state of mind and you should go do it. Also, as long as you think like a free man/woman, you actions will automatically start looking more like a free man/woman's actions. I like to think of the song "New York State of Mind" because i feel like New York is such a free place where there are so many places you can go and hardly any one will tell you otherwise. New York reminds me of a place to roam one of the greaest city's the U.S. has to offer and is the bes place to have freedom set in your mind.

isaac W. blue block said...

I agree with this statement because it all about how you look at it. For example if think your not free then your not, and if you think you are then you are. I agree with Ariana W. because if you were a slave you can think your free but in reality your not.

Sarah M. red block said...

I agree with the quote "Freedom is a state of mind". I agree with this quote because to have freedom you have to believe that you have freedom. If you don`t feel like you have freedom than you won`t have freedom. Another reason why I agree with this quote is you can gain freedom within yourself. If your mind lets it free itself than you have freedom. These are the two reasons why I agree with the quote.

Annaliese L. red block said...

I agree with this statement because in Crispin: THe Cross of Lead, Crispin does not feel free even though he escaped from Stromford. But if he was still in Stromford and just though he was free, it really wouldn't be true. So therefore it can depend on what situation you are in, but it really does matter on what you think.

Kyle B. Red Block said...

Freedom is NOT a state of mind. It is a physical state of being. "Being" free (can't underling being) is to have freedom (notice that none of the things I said here had to do with the mind.

Alex M. blue block said...

Freedom is a mental state, so it is kind of a state of mind. It all how the person sees the situation. One person could be in a bad situation and losses all hope, essentially losing their mental freedom. Others, like the POW's, stayed positive in the face of dispare and didn't losse their hope/freedom.

ben suhler red block said...

to be free first you half to beleave that you can be free and you can be free. if not it is imposible to be free on the outside

dylan fisher blue block said...

Yes if you get that freedom is a state of mind you will always be free in a way. you are free o think the way you want or to eat what you want.in Crispin he doesn't understand freedom because he has never felt it.

Gareth Hart, RED block said...

I believe that this statment is true. It basically says that for a person to be free he needs to acepted that he wants to be free. this is true because if a person doesn't want to be free than how can he be free.

Galen said...

I agree with the statement that freedom is a state of mind; you are always free, but you can only be truly free when you believe that you are. No one else can control your beliefs, so if you believe you are free, you are no matter what.

Hari Iyer, blue block said...

I agree with the statement. First of all, your mind is free to roam and think its own thoughts. Nobody else can know exactly what happens in your mind. Secondly, I agree with Gareth, that you must accept that you are free, as well as use your freedom.


I agree that freedom is a state of mind in many ways. If you make your mind feel free youll be free, its an example of mind over matter. If you believe it, it can come true.

Mason M, BLUE BLOCK said...

I agree with the statement "Freedom is a state of mind" for a few reasons. One reason is because you can never actually be 100% free. This is because you are always controlled by the govornment in certain ways. I think that you can be free if you make yourself beleive you are free, just like when you go on vacation, you would feel free.

Alyana J. Red block said...

Freedom is and is not a state of mind; each for different reasons. One can be truly happy and be surrounded by many loved ones and feel so free and carefree with their life that their minds tell them so. There is also a point where you can be so stressed and saddened by what has happened around/to you, that you feel like a caged bird that just cries out for freedom and help. All in all, it is your choice whether to feel free or like a caged bird waiting to take flight.

Owen C. Red Block said...

I agree with Hunter on teh physical part. I also think it is a state of mind, that you can feel very free when you r happy and feel lieke a slave when you are suffering. I think that even though my answer is both agree and disagree, the state of mind part is more true.

Kelsey Deos red block said...

I disagree with the statement "Freedom is a state of mind", freedom is not something you just come up with in your head. It is being able to make your own choices and know one making your own choices. Freedom is not just a state of mind its a physical being.

Winston M. red block said...

I both agree and disagree with the statement "Freedom is a state of mind". You can be completely physically free to do what you want, but if you have stress or are worrying about something you will never escape it no matter how physically free you are. You can also be mentally free but physically not be able to do what you want. you need a combination of both to truly be free.

Joshua Y. Blue Block said...

Yes and no. Yes, becuase sometimes, if you think that you are trapped, yuo will act like it, so technically, you are not free. No, becase if you are physically not enslaved, captured, whatever you want to say, then you are not. If think think that you are free, then you will try to act on it. If you do not think you are free, you will act like you are not free. So, in a way, you are what you are based on how you act on it and how you think before acting on it.

Lucy Stout (red block ) said...

I do agree that freedom is a state of mind. I think this because people do not always have the same privliges, and being free for some people may be different then being free to other people. When ever you look at something you have your opinion about it. This is the same as you seeing freedom. You may have a lower expectation of freedom then others. This shows that freedom is a state of mind.

Alice P. Blue Block said...

Freedom IS and is NOT a state of mind. This means that people can go around feeling happy and jubilant, which could cause them to feel free. But, people who are slaves or are minors would have to follow rules, follow directions, and follow the "main road". Also, people who deal with tons of stress on their shoulders may feel caged up and weighed down, which is a physical state of mind. In many ways, Freedom IS and is NOT a state of mind.

Griffin C. Blue Block said...

Freedom is where you can express yourself respectfully both physically and mentally. Also, freedom is where you have the right to practice your own religion or beliefs. Not only should you be able to express yourself kindly to others, but to also do it without punishment. My conclusion is that freedom is not a state of mind.

Kevin Miles, Blue Block said...

To me freedom is not a state of mind because if you are grounded you still technically have all the same freedoms, because the law does not allow parents to enforce it. If you feel you are mentally trapped you can always escape, and people escape in different ways. So overall, again freedom is not a state of mind.

Jake Ferdig w/ red block said...

I agree that freedom is a state of mind. You may be bound to someone, but that doesn't mean you are not free. You could be doing more than one that is not bound to someone. It is all in your head. It depends on your definition of freedom, and if you choose to live by that standard.

Marlea G, Blue Block said...

I partially agree with this statement. Feeling free is a state of mind. For example, if you had a fear you may not have as much freedom because your fear would keep you from doing things involving whatever it is you're scared of. On the other hand, actually being free is a physical state of being. In the end, what defines your freedom is what you physically do and don't do, which is not a state of mind.

Galen Deats, Red Block said...

I agree with the statement that freedom is a state of mind; you are always free, but you can only be truly free when you believe that you are. No one else can control your beliefs, so if you believe you are free, you are no matter what.

Kalanie T. Red Block said...

I feel that freedom is in fact a state of mind, because how you feel interacts with the way you think. Even though you are free to do almost anything, there may be a consequence for your action, and that is a choice that you have to make on your own.