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Monday, January 28, 2013

Islam (Wk 18)

Islam is a new topic for many of you. In teacher talk, an "ah ha" moment is when someone learns something new or makes a connection in their brain (go dendrites!). What has your biggest ah ha moment been this week druing our study of Islam?

When I first started teaching about Islam, my biggest ah ha moment was learning how Muslims live their faith each day. It takes a great commitmetn to stop what you are doing, five times each day, and be intentional about prayer. Also, the idea of  fasting during the Holy Month of Ramadan is hard. I had a friend growing up that would fast and I never understood why he didn't eat lunch during this time. To live as a Muslim, meaning to follow the Five Pillars of Faith each day, takes great commitment and I admire those that do!

Remember to pay attention to commas this week!!


Tyler Harris Blue Block said...

Learning that there is two types of Muslims, Extremists, and some other thing(I forgot the exact name).

Norman H. Blue Block said...

My biggest a-ha moment was when I found out that Muslims fast. My Jewish friend (practically my sister) had her bat mitzvah about 3 months ago. She had to read from the Torah a week before the party. She told me if someone drops the Torah, they had to fast for 40 days and 40 nights. I had no idea that Muslims fast, too.

Owen C Red Block said...

My biggest ah ha moment was when i learned that there were two types of Muslims, the Sunnis and the Shi'ites. I also was surprised when i learned that the Islamic people fast during Ramadan. I probably couldn't live without lunch.

Galen Deats, Red Block said...

My biggest aha moment was when I realized that Muslims fast so much, especially for all day when the sun is up during Ramadan. I personally couldn't bring myself to fast if someone paid me.

Gareth Hart, Red block said...

I was sick last week so i missed the study on islam. however I heard that they fast for a hole month! I think that that would take lots of conitment and perserverance.

Hunter S. red block said...

so im just going to agree with the rest of these people
and say ditto

Tiffani T. Blue Block said...

My biggest a-ha moment so far on the study of Islam would have to be that when Muslims pray, they take off their shoes, and face Mecca!

Shannon S, Blue Block said...

I have had many big ah ha moments. One is that Muslims fast for a whole month in the holy month of Ramadan! I thought that this was very interesting, for it is a long time to fast. I also learned that Muslims pray five times a day which is a lot! They have specific times in the day to pray, usually being once in the morning, noon, afternoon, sunset, and in the evening.

Kalanie T. Red Block said...

This week we have leared a lot about Islam. My biggest ah ha moment was when learning about Islam,was learning how the muslims face mecca when they pray.

Cathryn Seibel, Red Block said...

My biggest ah-ha moment was when I learned that Muslims fast and that they couldn't eat lunch for a whole month. I also had that moment when I learned they pray five times a day at a specific time. I thought that it was really interesting that they all, as a sacred thing, they have to walk around the building seven times and that there's that much gold on the building.

Tayler buxton, red block said...

One of my biggest ah ha moments was when i found out that Muslims fast. I think it would be a little strange for me and my family to stop eating for a few weeks, it would be hard to get used to if we head to. I think its cool.

Kiki L Red Block said...

When learning about the Islamic culture and Muslims, my biggest "ah ha" moment was when I learned about the hajj. Every Muslim must go on a journey to Mecca at least once in their lives. The Muslims wear white clothing that looks the same as others to show that they are all equal. I also learned that they must circle the stone seven times, and then touch the stone.

Ryan C. Blue Block said...

My biggest ah ha moment was when I learned that Muslims pray five times a day and when they do, they take off their shoes and face towards Mecca. My dad had a Muslim friend over when he was little and he never knew what was going on because sometimes when they were hanging out the kid would take off his shoes and face in a random direction, sometimes towards my dad, sometimes away, and sometimes right in between. He then had the same ah ha moment I did this week.

Hari Iyer, blue block said...

My biggest ah ha moment of the Islam study was that the Muslims face Mecca when they pray. It takes commitment and practice to drop everything and pray five times during the day. I also had an ah ha moment with the bar mitzvah, because I had heard of it before, but never knew what it really was. One of my old friends is going to have one in March.

Julia W. Blue Block said...

The biggest "ah ha!" moment I recieved while learning about Islam is how they face Mecca when they pray. I'm framiliar with the custom because in Judaism we face Israel when we pray, and I thought it was interesting how similar the two religions were.

Simon R. blue block said...

My biggest "ah ha" moment when studying the Islamic religion is when I found out that a mosque can be decorative on the outside, just not on the inside.

Sarah M. red block said...

My biggest "ah ha" moment for learning about Islam was how fast the Islam religion spread. I have noticed that the Christian religion spread also as fast. Another thing that I have realized is that the country where a popular religion is growing that country is also thriving. This may not be true for all countries and all religions though.

Ben Suhler red block said...

I learned that muslams have five relgous ceramonies

Kyle B. Red Block said...

My biggest aha moment was the fact the Muslims fast so much during the holy month of Ramadan. During this month they fast from dawn to dusk. And by the way ditto to what Galen's last sentence was (and Owen's)

Parker Lum, the amazing red block said...

My biggest aha moment was when Muslims had to pray 5 times a day. It was surprising because i thought that would be a problem if you were working at a very busy place that required you assistance a lot.

Alyana J. Red block said...

My biggest "ah ha" moment is when I found out that the Muslims had to pray five times a day and take of their shoes, wear loose clothing, and face towards Mecca when praying.

Delaney T. Blue Block said...

Studying Islam so far, my biggest ah-ha moment was when our class learned about the holidays. I thought that Muslims would celebrate a holiday for one month, until I realized that they fast instead. I also learned that there was a huge celebration at the end of the month called the Ed al-fitr where muslims eat, talk, and spend time together. I thought that the Ed al-fitr was every night of the month!

Marlea G, said...

My biggest ah-ha moment was when I found out that Muslims fast for an entire month, so they never eat while the sun is up in that month.

Laura J., Blue Block said...

My ah ha moment was when I learned I that Muslims fast for a whole month in the month of Ramadan. I had no clue that they would fast for a whole month - it seems like such a long time to go without food for almost all (if not all) of each day without any food. Another thing that I learned was that Muslims face Mecca while praying, and also take off their shoes while praying. If the Muslims are in Mecca, then they face the Ka'ba.

Arianna S. Red Block said...

My biggest, "ah ha", moment has been when i learned that Muslims and Islam is two different things. Islam is a religion and Muslims are the ones who practice it.

Griffin C. Blue Block said...

My biggest ah ha moment was when i recognized that Muslims cant drink alcohol or smoke. I like this rule because it will keep your body stronger and healthier.

Winston M. red block said...

My biggest Ah Ha moment was figuring out †˙at muslim is the name given to a follower of Islam. It sounds stupid i know, but i thought that muslim was its own religion but i learned that it is just a follower of Islam

Kelsey D. red block said...

My biggest ah-ha moment was realizing that Muslims and Islam are two different things. I used to think they were tow seperate reliogions, but now I know that Muslim is the name given to the followers of Muslim.

Sarah D. Blue Block said...

My biggest "ah ha" moment was when I realized that the trade routes that dispersed off of the trade routes connected to Mecca(Makka)were not counted as trade routes connected to Mecca. Thus I now know how trade routes are counted.

Jordan Hibbs, Blue Block said...

When we first started to learn about Islam i thought that Muslims worshipped Muhammad himself. One of my ah ha moments was when I realized that Muhammad was just a messenger and wasn't considered holy. I learned that God told his messages through Muhammad but Muhammad wasn't supposed to be worshiped.

Maya Waddell Red Block said...

my biggest ah-ha moment was when i found out muslims fast.

Isaac W. blue block said...

My biggest ah-ha moment was when i found out that muslims don't worship Muhammad, all my life i have though followers of islam worshipped Muhammad himself but i recently found out Muhammad was just a messenger.

Mason M BLUE block said...

My biggest "ah ha" moment was when i learned that being Islamic didnt mean you believed in Muslim religion. And another "ah ha" moment was when i heard about fasting. My first thought was that they didnt eat for a whole month, but soon realized it was only from sunrise to sundown everyday in the month of Ramadan.

Alice P. Blue Block said...

Ever since we started learning about Islam and Muslims, there were many things that made me go, "Ah ha!"my biggest ah ha moment throughout this week was when I learned about how many times a Muslim would pray everyday. They would have to face Mecca, wear loose clothes, and take their shoes off. It surprised me because some people could be extremely busy, but they are still committed to their religion and carry on.

Alex M. blue block said...

My biggest ah ah moment was when I found out that Islam and Mulsim were two different things. I thought that Muslim was a religion, not the name given to the followers of Islam.

Kevin Miles, Blue Block said...

My biggest "Aha" moment was when I realized that Islam and Muslim are two different things. Muslims are the people who practice Islam and Islam is the actual religion.

Dylan fisher Blue Block said...

My ah ha moment was when i realized that there are two different times of Muslims. There are extremest who use there religion to justify there terrorists acts. But most Muslims are very peaceful and don't drink or do drugs they also don't murder.

Jack Sims, Red Block said...

My biggest ah ha moment was learning about how Muslims Fast. When I lived overseas, some of my parents friends were fasting for some holiday. WHen I learned about the month of Ramadan I understood what they were doing.

Joshua Y. Blue Block said...

My bigget ah ha moment was when i learned that the Muslims eat only at nights on the month of Redagal (spelling errore!), and not starve and be thirsty for the whole month. I don't any religoin is that mean to people who follows it.

Joshua Y. Blue Block said...


Jake Ferdig w/ red block said...

My biggest a-ha moment was when I was introduced to their rituals and traditions. I was very fascinated when I heard that they fast, I was also interested in the fact that their belief is based off of the same thing that the christians and the jews are.

Zaira Tovar Red said...

My biggest ah-ha moment was learning that Muslims pray 5 times everyday & that there is someone who calls up people to pray. Another ha-ha moment was learning that they have to face Mecca every time they pray. Which would be 5times a day!

Ariana Wolff Red block said...

My biggest ah ha moment was that Muslims believe that the Bible, the Torah, and the Qur'an are all books sent by God to convey his message of faith.

Lucy Stout (red block ) said...

My Ah Ha moment was when i learned that they send out a praying call for when it is one of the many times of the day to pray. I have wondered how they knew when to pray.

jason k. said...

From jason


My biggest a-ha moment was when I found out that Muslims have to fast from dawn to dusk for a whole month. I could never see me going on a fast for that long.

Annaliese L. Red block said...

Learning that Muslims must pray five times a day was a big "a-ha" moment for me. It must be very difficult to stop and pray five times every day.

Cal Lewis Red Block said...

My biggest "ah-ha" moment was when I learned about the Muslim tradition of hajj. They go to Mecca and participate in a number of very interesting events. The events are what I found extremely interesting, like the act of circling around the Kaaba.