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Monday, October 22, 2012

It's Greek to Me! (Week 7)

Please write a minimum of 3 sentences that explaining 2 or more ways Greece has influenced our lives. Think about art, architecture, government, drama, philosophy...and so much more! Please be specific, not general:

Poor example:  Greece has influenced us in philosophy.

Strong example (this is only for one - don't forget to do at least 2 ways!):  Greek philosophy has influenced us through the Socratic Seminar, where the focus is questioning and gaining deeper understanding instead of accepting truths at face value.


Norman H. Blue Block said...

Greek art has influenced us a lot by making everyday art beautiful than ever. After 9/11, our government and our world has changed a lot; airports are secure with weapons, there are night guards, etc. If our government was Greece back in their day, we'd have a large army hunt down and kill the people who were in charge of 9/11.

Kiki Liu Red Block said...

The greek art has really influenced our lives today because the Greeks had evolved from stiff statues to natural stances and realistic figures, which are the basics of art. The Greeks had also influenced us in the alphabet. They had 24 letters, and our letters A, B, O and E originated from the Greek alphabet.

Annaliese red block said...

Greek Architechture has influenced us many ways here are two examples. Greek architechture is in many of our modern day buildings, like libraries, schools, and government buildings. It is also used in some modern day homes, for example many houses have coverd porches, theese porches come the the Greek stoa, a covered line of colunms.

Joshua Y. Blue Block said...

Greek influenced our writing/launguage (t kind of falls in to both). The word: alpabet was made from the greek's two first letters: alpha, and beta. It has also influenced army's abc's too. The army's first two letters are: alpha, and beta. The Greek also influenced us in sports too. The Olympic Games were invented from the Greeks. It also gave us some ideas for our olympic games such as: weight lifting, pole jumping, running, and etc. Maybe even the 4 years of waiting (Well, technally 2) isn from greece as well. Even in greece, the olympian atelets needed some time to train too.

Kalanie T. Red Block said...

Greeks have influenced us by their language, because some of our language is originated by the Greeks. Greeks also created theater, which is part of our intertainment today.

Isaac W. Blue block said...

Greek sports have really infuenced us because they invented the olympics and we still have the olympics today. Theater has also infuenced us because our theaters are in a semicircle. The Greeks also helped us with our government because they crerated democracy

Ariana Wolff red block said...

Greek myths have inspired us because if you took a good long look at any movie or play script, you would see that it was based off of Greek myths. For example, the plot of the play West side Story was based off of the plot of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare. Which in turn, can be traced back to the Greek myths themselves!

Ryan C. Blue Block said...

The Greeks have influenced us because many words in the English language have a base root in the Greek language. Also the Greek gornmen has influenced becase hey had a democracy and that is the type of government we have. Also in Ancient Greece, citizens served in court as a jury in court just like today.

Julia W. Blue Block said...

The Greeks have influenced us in many ways. Like in sports; we have the Olympics because the Greeks started it! The games were created for entertainment and for fitness reasons, and we continued the tradition to this day. Also, a lot of the words in English have Greek roots in them. The world 'alphabet' by itself is the first two letters in the greek Alphabet! (alpha & beta) The Architecture has influenced us and we use it now and have used it. Covered porches were inspired my the Greek Stoas! But these are only SOME ways Greece has influenced us.

Jordan H. Blue Block said...

The Greeks have influenced our sports through the olympic games which e still have today. The Greeks have also affected our language because some of our words come from Greek and Latin. One example of a word that originated from Greek is alphabet and telephone

Owen c., red block said...

Greek language has influenced us in a of ways. Most of our words come from Greek or Latin roots. Also, our paragraphing, punctuation, and style of writing are all similar to greek writing.

Hari Iyer, blue block said...

Greek architecture has influenced us in many ways. Today, some of our buildings follow the Greek Golden Rectangle formula. We now also use columns based on ancient Greek styles and types.

Hunter s.red block said...

the greek culture has influenced us a lot. one thing is the letters in the alphabet as Kiki said. Alpha is A, Beta is B so that is were we got it from.

Delaney T. Blue Block said...

The Greeks have greatly influenced our modern day culture. Much of our language is alike, including our alphabet. The symbol of Pi is even in the Greek writing! 3,000 years ago, the Greeks created the Olympic Games. To this day, every four years hundreds of athletes compete to take part in them. The city of Athens invented a democracy, which America uses present day. Even our architecture is alike too. Columns inspired by Greek architecture exist in monuments like the White House.

Jason K. blue block said...

The greeks influenced in many ways. In the sports, the greeks played sports in Olympic to honor the greek god Zeus. For the language, the word 'alphabet' came from the two greek words: alpha and beta.

Arianna S. Red Block said...

Greek math had influenced us by making us have the skills we know today. Greeks used geometry and created geometry to find out geography. Science and math were linked together in Greek and so today.

Jack S. Red Block said...

The Greeks Influenced sports by creating a massive sports event known as the Olympics. We still host the Olympics every for years and have contestant form all around the world. The Greeks influenced art by making amazing sculptures that have changed art. The but in more passion which made more meaning in art.

Sarah D. Blue Block said...

The government in America took the idea originally from Ancient Greece and kept alot of its details. For example we still have democrats and ways to vote just like the Greeks did way back when!You see it influenced alot of us since we use these things practically every day. It ended up changing the way we think and act!

Shannon S, Blue Block said...

Greece has influenced our lives in many ways, especially government. This is because the Athenians created democracy, or a form of government where the supreme power is given to the people of the community to make the most of the decisions. Also the idea of having citizens serve as the jury in court originated in Greece.

Tiffani T. Blue Block said...

Greek architecture has made a huge standing impact in our lives. One example would be our government buildings. You see our government buildings have most of the techniques that the Greeks used for their buildings. You can also see Greek architecture in modern day households such as the golden rectangle, which is a rectangle that is perfectly pleasing to the human eye. The golden rectangle was created by the Greek.

Alyana J. Red block said...

Greece has influenced our cultures in many ways such as their art and language. Up to this day, we still use the Greek's different types of columns for our buildings. Some of our everyday language comes from Greek including the word, alphabet comes from the Greek word alphabeta.

Parker L. Red block said...

Our culter in influenced by Greeks because of the olympics every four years. If Grrece hadn't started that tradition we would not celebrates them today.The Olympic motto is: Citius, Altius, Fortius, which is Latin for "Faster, Higher, Stronger".

Maya Waddell Red Block said...

Greeks started theater and special affects, which is in the movies we have today. Also, architecture means master builder in greek. The Greeks also started the Olympics.

Alice P. Blue Block said...

Greek art has influenced our lives immensely. Greek art has influence many architects to make todays modern homes into a beautiful building. you could find Greek art in buildings, libraries, schools, normal homes, and in government buildings. The alphabet that was created by the Greeks have also influenced us. Without their alphabet, we wouldn't have the 26 letters that originated from the Greek alphabet. Greek math has not only influenced our modern lives, but has also influenced many other surrounding countries and continents. With the mathematic knowledge, we are able to create beautiful buildings just like the Greeks did, and we are also able to use this in everyday life.

Tyler Harris, Blue Block said...

One of the main things that made Greece impact on our modern day, is our language. But don't think that Greek is the only language involved. Latin is involved too. Another thing that has impacted us is our art. Greek art is something that is very "interesting" to many people like me! and these are some examples on how Greece has impacted many places including the United States of America.

Alex M. blue block said...

Greece has influenced our government because if they wouldn't have created democracy we wouldn't be one. They also influenced our architecture because you can still see Greek features in modern buildings. They also created the "Golden Rectangle" which helps architects today.

Mason M blue block said...

Greeks have influenced us in Architecture, Sports, and Government. Architecture because they influenced the building of many buildings the we still create today. Sports because they created the olympics where the whole world gets together to play sports. Government because they created Democracy which is the government we have today.

Zaira Tovar Red Block said...

If it wasn't for members of the Greek chorus stepping out and singing alone we wouldn't have plays and movies that we have today. The Greeks made a huge influence on theater. They were the ones that invented it. This shows us that standing out can make a change in history. Also the Greek government influenced our three branches of government: The Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches. But for them it was the Assembly, Council and Court.

Jake Ferdig w/ red block said...

Greece has influenced us in many ways. Greece invented special effects for plays. They strapped strings to actors and hoisted them up by another person pulling on the other sides and pulled the person into the air. They also invented the olympics. Today we still have the olympics. We have more sports but we still have many of the ones they had back then.

Sarah M. red block said...

The Greek Government has affected us today because Athens was the first to create a democracy government. The U.S.A also uses the basic democracy government. The Greek`s architecture has also affected us because we use there type of building`s in government buildings and homes.

Sarah M. red block said...

The Greek Government has affected us today because Athens was the first to create a democracy government. The U.S.A also uses the basic democracy government. The Greek`s architecture has also affected us because we use there type of building`s in government buildings and homes.

Gareth Hart, Red block said...

The greeks have invented the threature, in fact the word theature means viewing place,wich I think is cool. Also they gave us the Olimpic and some of there games, javlin,discus,and hammer throwing were all origanal Olimpic games.

Kyle B. RED block said...

Greeks have Influenced us in many ways. If medicine wasn't invented, then there may be 20 times more deaths from disease then there there is already, or more! Also, greek architecture inspired the way we build houses to make them more AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!

Kelsey D. Red block said...

The Greeks have influenced our way of life in many ways. Two ways are math and Architecture. The Greeks came up with Greek and Latin and our language is based on greek and Latin roots. Architecture has influenced America because if you look at the Parthenon and compare it to other buuildings in the United States the architecture looks very similar.

Anonymous said...

Cathryn Seibel Red Block

Greece has affected us today in many ways. For starters our architecture wouldn't be the same, today we still include different techniques of architecture. Also without greece we wouldn't have the olympics to show off athlete's talent. Finally government wouldn't be the same because the basic points are the same as we do today. Without reece the world would be a lot different.

Winston M., Red Block said...

Greek art has affected our buildings and everyday technology. Their interest in math and science has resulted in various discoveries such as modern day computers. their government influenced our own giving us a big advantage on other countries.

Cal Lewis, Red Block said...

Ancient Greece has provided some very interesting inspiration on some of my favorite literature like The Lightning Theif. The Olympics are now a much more diverse competition. Still, the Olympics are an homage to the Ancient Greeks and what they have done to world we now live in.

Kevin, Miles Blue Block said...

Greeks had created the best government "democracy"because then there would not be power to the people. Greece has also affected us in sports and also in architecture. The greeks created the Olympics and also their theories such as the "Golden Rectangle" has influenced us to make buildings that please the eye. They also affected our language most of the origin of the alphabet comes from greek origin and Latin origin.


The Greeks have influenced our lives in so many ways, especially in art. Before the Greeks, statues just looked lifeless, but after they started making statues it all changed. They made them come alive and not look so dull. You can see the influence of the Greeks in the statues in downtown Portland. The Architectural style of the Parthenon's columns are found in courthouses, libraries, the Lincoln memorial and so many more monuments all copied the pillars from the Parthenon.

Marlea G. said...

The Greeks have influenced our lives in so many different ways, like in art and theater. beautiful Greek art pieces created great inspiration for people today. As well as Greek theater, which has taught us about special effects, a great stage and audience layout, and made inspiration for some fabulous story lines.

Ben Suhler red block said...

greeks gave us many things like goverment. thay also gave us arcutacture and the olimpics

Lucy Stout (red block) said...

The Greeks have influeced us in many ways such as the in the Olympics, architecture, and art. They began the Olympics with there love of sports which we continue to this day. They influenced our architecture by inspiring us
And making thigs that we can compare to. And lastly art, we still admire there art work today, and make art similar to there's.

Galen Deats, Red Block said...

God don't let this be late...

The Greek influence on our society, while great in other ways, is mainly shown in the Summer Olympics (not winter), the architecture and statues they gave us, and the written mythology that they left behind.

dylan fisher blue block said...

I think that the Greeks were very helpful in our lives today. they gave us many math formulas for geography since they were very good builders. They also gave us the Olympics a very well know clutter of sports. track and field was also inheratited by us from them.

Tayler Buxton, Red block said...

The greek influenced us in a lot of ways like the Olympics, the art and acitecture greeks are some of the people that started it all with the life we have today.

Laura J., Blue Block said...

Greek mathematics have influenced very much. One scientist named Pythagoras was intrigued by geometry. "To measure land" is the meaning of geometry. It was originally used as a way to measure areas of land. A famous mathematician named Euclid was Greek. For over 2000 years, his geometry textbook was the structure for teaching geometry. Our knowledge of math is highly influenced by the Greeks.

Griffin Chambers Blue Block said...

The Greeks have been influential for many centuries. Greek architecture has influenced our modern day building by incorporating the perfect rectangle. Greek sports have also influenced us by having the Olympics, a tradition that we have reastarted in modern times.