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Monday, May 6, 2013

Renaissance Values (Wk 31)

Last week with Mr. Pepper, you talked about Renaissance Values and what it meant to be a Renaissance Man or Woman. Please choose three Renaissance Values and explain how you exmplify them. Your reponse should be a paragraph in length.

The three Renaissance Values that I most exmplify are Love of Classical Learning, Adventures in Exploration and Beauty of the Human Body. For Classical Learning, I teach the history of the Greeks and Romans. I love to hear about ancient societies and to analyze how they have influenced us today. One of my favorite passtimes is to travel and discover places I haven't been to. Each new place brings me a new sense of wonder about our world. Finally, for the Beauty of the Human body, I exercise to keep my body healthy. By eating right and exercising, I am showing the Renaissance Value of the Human Body.


Ariana w. Red block said...

The three Renaissance values that I embody are celebrat the individual, curious about the natural world, and how. The body works. I embody Celebrating the individual because I take pride in drawing my humanoids and that only I can draw the humanoids I created. I also embody Curiosity about the natural world because I like to see what happens in nature, like evolution and flight. And I embody How the body works because I want to be a geneticist when I grow up because I'm curious about our genetics and using the genetics of certain diseases to figure out a way to cure them.

Laura J., blue block said...

The three Renaissance values that I exemplify are Celebrating the Individual, Adventurous in Exploration, and Beauty of the Human Body. For Celebrating the Individual, I sign my artwork, and I like my drawings/art and how they turn out in the end. As for Adventurous in Exploration, I like to travel (even though it doesn't happen often), and enjoy visiting places I've never been before. Finally, Beauty of the Human Body is also chosen because I exercise daily and eat well.

Julia W. Blue Block said...

The three Renaissance values that are important to me are Question Authority, Adventurous in Exploration, and Celebrate the Individual. I am a risk taker, and a bit of a rebel so to question authority really goes with my personality. I'm an EXTREMELY adventurous person, when I was younger and my family and I would go on hikes, I would always classify the rocks "adventure rocks" or "plain old rocks". This is why I chose Adventurous in Exploration. I chose Celebrate the Individual because I am my own person, and I am not afraid to be who I am.

Shannon S, Blue Block said...

The three Renaissance Values I exemplify the most are Beauty of Human Body, Question Authority, and Celebrate the individual. I love shopping, style, fashion, and looking my best. I also play many sports and am extrememly athletic, so I resemble Beauty of the Human Body. I also Question Authority because I follow the rules, but tend to bend and stretch them, or sometimes I disagree completely with a rule. Also I Celebrate the Individual because I am not afraid to be myself around others, and I don't like changing my personality for other people.

Jack S. Red Block said...

The three Renaissance values that I exemplify are Adventures in Exploration, Gender Ideals and Worldly Pleasures. For Adventures in Exploration, I love traveling. I have been to many places on the globe and would enjoy seeing more of them. I think it is fun seeing new cultures and exploring the unknown. I show gender ideals because I love sports and working out. I love running, swimming and everything related. As for Worldly Pleasures, I always try to enjoy life and appreciate how lucky I am. I love to have fun with friends and just enjoy life.

Hari Iyer, blue block said...

The three Renaissance values I most exemplify are Question Authority, Curious About the Natural World, and Celebrate the individual. I question authority by sometimes asking people to change something, or not completely following what I am supposed to. I am curious about the natural world because I always like to find out about something in nature that I do not know about. There are some things that I have found that I didn't even know existed. Finally, for Celebrate the individual, I take credit for what I say and do, especially those things that I am proud of. Those things include my artwork and my skills in musical instruments.

Miles, Kevin blue block said...

The three Renaissance values that I am like are Celebrate the individual, Adventurous in Exploration, and worldly pleasures. By celebrate the individual I am not afraid to be myself. Also for Adventurous in Exploration I lobe to travel. Then for Worldly pleasures I take every moment for grant it and live life to the fullest.

Tiffani T. Blue Block said...

The three Renaissance values that I show the most throughout my everyday life are that of the love of classical learning, beauty of the human body, and I have curiosity towards the natural world. You can see my love of classical learning through how I love homework and going to school. Education is one of the most fun parts of life! You can see that I like how human bodies look because i enjoy depicting them with my writings. Last but not least you can see my curiosity of the natural world through the fact that I love hiking all the time!

Ryan C. Blue Block said...

The three Renaissance values that I exemplify are Adventurous in Exploration, Question Authority, and also Curious about the Natural World. I show Adventurous in Exploration because when I was little, I would always go off in my own world (my back yard) and find all these pathways into the forest and build all these forts in random areas all around. As far as Question Authority goes, it is pretty simple. I often challenge those who oppose me even if they are "higher in rank" than I am. I also rarely back down from a challenge, even when it is coming form someone that is above me. I am Curious about the Natural World because I am always looking for way to improve things and build items. I have alwasy been pretty curious about this topic and am constantly showing it more and more.

Cathryn Seibel, Red Block said...

Three Renaissance values that exemplify me the most are Worldly Pleasures, Love of Classical Learning, and Adventurous in Exploration. These three things stood out to me because they show individuality. The main one that stood out to me was Worldly Pleasures, I choose this because it meant that you didn't have to sulk through life and that you could have a good time being alive, which I do. Secondly is the Love of Classical Learning because it took ideas from the Greek and Roman art, which was beautiful and made it their own thing, which I always seem to take ideas from their art and make it my own. Finally without Adventures in Exploration and finding new land, I wouldn't have as many places to travel too, which I love to do. With all of these things I'm able to reflect myself into how I would be in Renaissance time.

Owen C. Red Block said...

The three Renaissance values I exemplify are questions authority, worldly pleasures, and curious about the natural world. I question authority because sometimes I follow rules, but sometimes I take risks. I chose worldly pleasures because I like to enjoy life. I also picked curious about the natural world because I like to know things.

Kiki L. Red Block said...

The three Renaissance value that I most exemplify are Curious about the Natural World, Question Authority and Beauty of Human Body. For Curiousity of the Natural Worlds I enjoy spending my time exploring out in nature, and learning about our Earth. As for Questionning Authorities, I have always been a bit rebelious, and I stand for my opinions. Last but not least, I embody beauty of the Human Body because I exercise a lot and I try to eat healthy.

Dylan F. Blue block said...

The three Renaissance Values that I exemplify are worldly pleasures, celebrate the individual and questioning authority. Worldly pleasures means that it was okay to enjoy life and the things you could afford to make your life more comfortable without offending God. I think in my life I have been given lots of fun things and enjoy using all of them without feeling like I don't deserve to. Celebrating the individual in my life looks like me being very proud of making honor role and having good grades and not being embarrassed to work hard at school. Questioning authority is something in my life that sometimes gets me in trouble because sometimes it looks like talking back, but if I think a decision is wrong I will say something about it.

Arianna S. Red Block said...

The three Renaissance values that are important to me are celebrate the individual, question authority, and worldly pleasures. Celebrating the individual is important, because I like to be me and I have a lot of confidence to show that to others. To question authority means a lot to me, because it takes a lot of courage to do that but the answers are within more questions. Worldly pleasures are important too, because it is fun to enjoy life and make the best out of it.

Gareth Hart, RED block said...

The three renaissance values I have is love for classical music, question authority and curiosity about nature. music is important because it helps people do great things. question authority is important because if we didn't life would be pretty boring. nature is important because we are always discovering something new in nature.

Kyle B. RED block said...

The two Renaissance values that I like the most are Curious about the natural world, and Questioning athority. I question Athority when I find loopholes. I usually find loopholes when people use idioms or have holes in an assignment at school. I curious about the natural world because I like to know how everything wrks. I want to know what every single chemical reaction and how stuff works.

Galen Deats, Red Block said...

The three Renaissance values that I embody the most are Love of Classical Learning, Curious About the Natural World, and Adventurous in Exploration. For the Classical Learning bit, I play piano, which involves a lot of classical and baroque pieces. I am curious about the natural world when I go on hikes on the trails at Tryon Creek. I am adventurous in exploration because I love going on out-of-state trips to places like rivers and mountains.

Kelsey Deos red block said...

Three Renaissance values that I like are How the Body Works, Celebrating Individuals and Worldly Pleasures. I would love to learn more about How the Body Works. Then, for Celebrating individuals I try to take pride in all my work. Lastly, Worldly Pleasures. I enjoy life and like to take breaks!

Winston Moore, Red block said...

Many ideas and human values changed during the Renaissance. People started exploring how the body works, classical learning and worldly pleasures. Life on earth became actually ok and people started to enjoy it.

Sarah M. red block said...

The three Renaissance Values that I associate with myself are How the body works, Adventurous in exploration, and Worldly pleasures. The reason why I chose how the body works is because I am very interested in medicine and I want to be a doctor when I grow up. I chose adventurous in exploration because I love to travel and learn about the different cultures of the world. I also love seeing different types of land other than Oregon. I also chose Worldly pleasures because everybody deserves to have a good life full of laughter and love. I really believe that people should live their lives to the fullest. These are the reasons why I chose my three Renaissance values.

Maya W. Red Block said...

Three values that are important to me are Celebrating the individual, Adventurous in Exploration, and Beauty of the Human Body. I like being me and there is no one who could change that no matter how hard they try. Also. I like to explore places and hope to one day go to London, and Tokyo. And lastly I like to take care of myself so I can stay fit and get exercise.

Annaliese L. red block said...

The three Renaissance values I associate myself with the most are: the love of classical learning, curiosity of the natural world, and adventurous in exploration. I choose the love of classical learning because I enjoy classical music as well as art. I associate myself with curiosity of the natural world because I am really interested in science and I think that scientific learning is really important. I also choose adventurous in exploration because I am really interested in the discovery of new lands and L.A/S.S is one of my favorite classes.

Simon R. blue block said...

The three biggest Renaissance values that I find most important are, Curiosity of the Natural world, the Beauty of the human body and to question authority. I love to question the world and I always find myself wondering around pondering on discoveries I find. I also love the art work of the human body. After all, it is a graceful, and peaceful structure of art. I love to question authority because it makes me wonder, and feel I have a small amount of power at my hands.

Ben Suhler red block said...

three Renaissance values that I chose are how the body works, Adventurous in Exploration,and Celebrating the Individual. i chose these because i believe that the human body is amazing i wonder how i can tell my self tho type words and think toughts and how the eye works. Adventurous in Exploration is another because i like to go around and find things others lost like money, tennis balls, and other things. ant the last one was chosen because i believe that you should be happy about who you are and be happy.

ps i finished the charecter trait and pregeduce blogs.:)


The three Renaissance values that I exemplify are individualism, question authority, and curiosity about nature. I exemplify individualism because I take pride in my work. I exemplify questioning authority by not always believing what people tell me. And finally, sometimes i'll just want to explore nature.

isaac W. blue block said...

The three renaissance values that I exemplify are adventurous in exploration, celebrate in individual, and worldly pleasures. For adventurous in exploration I love jumping off cliffs into water and trying new things to get the adrenaline flowing. Celebrate the individual is easy for me to show because i don't care what others think I'm gonna do what i want to do. Lastly I show worldly pleasures because I live every day of my life to the fullest.

Jordan H. Blue Block said...

The three Renaissance values that i exemplify are Adventurous in Exploration, Celebrate the Individual and Worldly Pleasures. For Adventurous in Exploration i like to try new things, go ne places and learn new stuff. For Celebrate the Individual i take pride in my work and do the best i can. Worldly Pleasures i like to enjoy myself and have good time while living life to its fullest.

Griffin C. Blue Block said...

The three Renaissance values that I exemplify the most are Adventurous in exploration, Question Authority, and worldly pleasures. As a curious and hard worker, I sometimes Question Authority. And my personality shows that I like the outdoors and wilderness. Finally I love to live life on the edge and continue to live.

Alice P. Blue Block said...

The three main Renaissance values that I exemplify are Celebrating the Individual, Beauty of the Human Body, and Adventures in Exploration. For Celebrating the Individual, I have confidence in my musical, educational, and artistic values. I play musical instruments the best of my capability, study the hardest I can, and draw/paint/make things the best I can. for Beauty of the Human Body, I exercise and try to eat the healthiest that I can. I love fashion, shopping, and styling anything, but most of all, I love looking my best. While trying to look my best, I look for healthy ways to keep my skin clear and healthy. As for Adventures in Exploration, I love trying new foods and traveling to different places.

Parker Lum, red block said...

Three renaissance values that i "exemplify'' are celebrate the individual, questions authority, and worldly pleasures. I like to "celebrate"who i am. I will always question authority if its wrong, and i will always enjoy life and while i am living.

Mason M blue block said...

The three renaissance values that I hold are Celebrate the Individual, Adventurous in Exploration, and Worldly Pleasures. I chose these specific values becuase they all represent me in a certain way. I Celebrate the Individual by being myself and not worrying about being judged. I chose Adventurous in Exploration because I am very passionate about traveling and seeing new places that I may never see again. And finally, I picked Worldly Pleasures because I try to live my life to the fullest and making it the greatest it could be by trying new things when the opportunity comes and taking risks instead of letting fear take over. These are some of my Renaissance values and reasons for why they match me.

Delaney T. Blue Block said...

The three renaissance values that I exemplify are the Adventures in Exploration, curiosity of the natural world, and celebrating the Individual. I love to travel and explore new cultures and countries, making vacationing one of my favorite hobbies. I am very curious when it comes to studying the functioning world around me, from science to government. Also, I love to shop, play sports, and be the best I can be inside and outside of school.

Alyana J. Red Block said...

Three renaissance values that I exemplify would be celebrate the individual, worldly pleasures, and questioning authority. Throughout my life, I "celebrate" (as in trying to accept) who I am. I also take pleasure in being able to live life the way it is and taking the punches that come along with if with my head held high. I question authority sometimes only if I know for a fact it's wrong. I'm too stubborn to give up just like that.

Cal Lewis, Red Block said...

The three renaissance values I am most accustomed to are celebrating the individual, worldly pleasures, and the love of classical learning. I take pride in myself and what I do, I like people knowing my name and who I am. I savor the world around me, I love learning about the world and it's infinite amount of beauty and I hope to be able to go on my own adventures one day. When I think of the love of classical learning in the renaissance, I think of Greece and Rome. So when I think of classical learning in the United States, I think of times with cowboys. Those of which have not only been my favorite history lesson but have also influenced my favorite books and movies which to me, says a lot. The three renaissance values that match me are celebrating the individual, worldly pleasures, and the love for classical learning, mainly because my appreciation for myself, the world around me, and the history that took place in my country.

Norman H. Blue Block said...

The three Renaissance values I exemplify are Celebrate the Individual, Beauty of the Human Body, and Question Authority. I celebrate the individual because I be myself no matter what, even if someone would think it's weird. I give myself a good workout every day, I stay healthy and fit, and I look my best for any occasion. I question authority because I follow the rules, though I often follow them a certain way.

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Joshua Y. Blue Block said...

The three Renaissance Values that I show are: curious about the natural world, celebrate the individual, and sometimes, worldly pleasures. I show worldly pleasures, because I am always so defensive about my money, or anything I own that is expensive. I am a celebrate the individual, because sometimes, I take big risks, and I do talk back sometimes. I show curiosity about the natural world, because whenever I go hiking, I look for unusual tracks, and I am always fascinated about the nature.

Jake Ferdig w/ Red BLock said...

The three Renaissance values that are important to me are Adveturous in Exploration, Question Authority, and Celebrate the Individual. I take my chances alot so questioning authority is one within me. I camp, and know the outdoors, I am very adventurous so, Adventurous in Exploration is another trait of mine. I show my own personality and am my own human being, I show this on a daily basis by being my self not only to my friends but random strangers and am unafraid to be judged, or looked at in a funny way. I am extremely confident so I show this in the value of, Celebrate the Individual.

Marlea G, Blue Block said...

The three Renaissance Values that I most exemplify are Celebrate the Individual, Question Authority, and Beauty of the Human Body. For Celebrating the Individual, I'm not afraid to be exactly who I am because I am my own person. Question Authority somewhat describes my personality because I tend to be a rebel, and I always stand up for something that I really believe whether it goes with the flow or not. Lastly, for Beauty of the Human Body, I play a lot of sports and love to keep active and healthy.

Alex M. blue block said...

The three Renaissance values that I can relate to are question authority, celebrate the individual, and adventurous in exploration. I take risks and I also think for myself, not with anyone else in mind. I like being known for the good things I do, and I'm not the most humble person. I am a very adventurous person because I like seeing new things. I also very much enjoy traveling to places like London, Paris, Rome, Sienna, Milan, Hawaii, etc.

Sarah D. Blue Block said...

The three renaissance values that I most exemplify would most likely be celebrate the individual, sponsor the arts, and adventures in exploration. For celebrating the individual I love to do important things on my own because it makes me feel like a responsible individual. Sponsoring the arts is spmething I am big on, I love to draw, paint, write and sing. Going along with adventures and exploration I enjoy exploring new places and things and usually always end up with some time of fun adventure.

Kalanie T. Red block said...

Three renaissance values that i take part in are celebrate the individual, question athourity, and curiousity of the natural world. First celebrate the individual is a part of me beacuse i do love myself and the person i am. i would never change for anyone. Eventhough i make mistakes, i am proud of myself. Second is question athourity. sometimes i stop and question right from wrong, but i try to follow the rules and have fun with what im doing. last is curiosity of the natural world, because i am always interested to see what will happen next in the world. it is a beautiful place and it amazes me to see all it is capable of.