As first quarter comes to a close, reflect back on the last 9 weeks. What has gone well? What did you learn about yourself? Is there anything that you will do differently next quarter? What strategies have you applied or want to try (for organization, homework completion, test preparation, etc.)? Think about all your classes, not just LA/SS!
Remember to use proper capitalization and punctuation!
Can you believe we're half way through the school year?! WOW! Find your blog post from the end of first quarter (scroll all the way to the bottom and click on "Older Posts" to find the blog titled "End of First Quarter Reflection (Wk 8)). Find your post and reflect on what you did well with this goal and areas you need to continue to improve. Write about what has gone well and areas you'd still like to focus on. What did you learn about yourself? Is there anything that you will do differently next quarter?
Can you believe we're half way through the school year?! WOW! Find your blog post from the end of first quarter (scroll all the way to the bottom and click on "Older Posts" to find the blog titled "End of First Quarter Reflection (Wk 8)). Find your post and reflect on what you did well with this goal and areas you need to continue to improve. Write about what has gone well and areas you'd still like to focus on. What did you learn about yourself? Is there anything that you will do differently next quarter?
I feel like I've grown a lot since last quarter, I've gotten to know my teachers better, know my way around the school and have made a lot of new friends. As for my goals last quarter I said, "I want to be more organized and make my transitions between classes better. I also want to make my locker easier to get in and out of." Believe it or not, I have achieved all of these goals, my locker and binder are clean, and I know the school really well and I feel like I went above and beyond in some ways. I hope the next half of the year will be as successful.
The one thing that I have improved on in this last quarter is studying more for test, and quizzes. I have remained keeping organized and getting work in on time. My goal for next quarter is to not procrastinate work, even if I get it in on time. I feel that this half of the year has gone pretty well. I hope for another great quarter and term.
This quarter has been great. I have A's as overall grades in all my classes and I've made new friends as well. But I have a hard time focusing on homework, so I'll try to stay focused more in the next quarter. I'll also try to make my planner look more organized. This has been an awesome quarter, and I hope it's better than the next!
As second quarter ends, I think that the things that had gone well are my grades and extra curricular activities. I learded that what I set my mind to, I can achieve. Next quarter I would like to be more prepared for tests, and study in chuncks. For organization for my locker, I'd like to add shelves so my books to fall everywhere when I open up my locker. Looking at my End of First Quarter Reflection, I can see that I done well of improving my projects and making my work more organized. I still need to find time to decorate my locker though.
The first quarter was an experience. It was dramatic, hard, and fun. But I've had some trouble being organized. Ill try real hard and make sure I turn in every one of my assignments. I feel that I've gotten to also know and gain trust from a few other people. At the start I was with my friends that went to Uplands. But now im friends with people that went to oak creek, Bryant, and others that I cant remember. The growing thing hit me hard over winter break. So yeah I hope I have a nice quarter to look after.
Wow. It's already been two quarters? I cannot believe it! Looking back at my previous quarter's reflection, I realize I have fulfilled all of the things I wanted to accomplish. I payed attention to directions and didn't make anymore silly mistakes, which is the main thing I wanted to change during this quarter. I stay on top of my grades, and if I'm not happy with any of my grades I always check and see if there's anything I could do better! I always use my planner and loved all of my classes! So far I have A's in all of my classes, and I would like for this to continues. For next quarter, I want to manage my time more. I get destracted sometimes, and end up doing my homework late at night. Thank you Mrs. Blancher for a great half-of-the-year!
I thought that I had a good quarter. I am excited for the new quarter and am happy with my other classes too. So far I have turned in all my assignments and feel pretty good with my grade, but at sometimes those homework passes are really useful. I have lost track of a lot of stuff but somehow manage to find it right before you get there. So I hope to have another great half of the year. It has been fun, Thank you Mrs. Blancher
I am ambitious towards the next quarter. I thought last quarter went well, but I wasn't able to connect with my teachers nearly as well as I did this quarter. Which helps a lot with homework and them helping you a lot better if you need it.
I have improved since last quarter. One big way that I changed is that I learned not to freak out so much when I get an assignment. Next quarter, I will try to manage my time better than I did this quarter.
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I have done better then I ever thought I would this quarter. My goal last quarter was get no overall grades of an A- or lower. I did that, even in math,which is the hardest subject for me. I am still doing well with keeping my locker clean and orderly. I just want to keep up my grades as well as i have been doing next quarter. I hope that the next quarter will be as nice as this one has!
i seam to have not don that but i know that l would have wanted to get better grades in all my classes
i did
I must have not done that ,but I know that l would have wanted to get better grades in all my classes.
I did.
First one was done to quickly and i forgot to check it.
The second quarter has gone by in a flash, but I feel that I did a good job overall. I think I did everything as best as I could, and all I need to do better is check my planner more often. I have acheived an A, and I have reached all of my goals and made new friends. I learned that I am really forgiving and open to new things this quarter, and I am happy with where I am as a person!
I have learned so much stuff in the past nine weeks of LA/SS. I am happy with my grades and I think I have done pretty well with homework except for the occasional late assignment due to forgetfulness. I have noticed that when I write in this blog I tend to use " big words" or really fancy ones. Most likely because sometimes I think my thoughts in a British accent or I am much more professional when typing. These two classes have been pretty fun with all of the interacts that we get to do. It really is quite cool to know that my teacher and others created these really fun games, slides and more! So in the end the last quarter has been pretty good. The things I have previously learned have been things that are really essential to my future and i am very thankful.
i feel like did a bit beater. next quater i plan to be more on top of my work and be more organised
i posted after sarah d ;)
what is the anonamys thing? ?????????
What I have discovered about myself this quarter is that I am wonderful in PE and, I have also improved my drawing skills tremendously. I look back at drawings that I did a year ago and I can't beleive how much I have improved. What I plan to do better this quarter is to pay attention.
As second quarter ends I think I have done a great job keeping my grades up and having fun. First quarter I learned that I like to be organized and on time. I still am organized but it is not such a rush to be on time for each class because I have gotten use to the building. I also wanted to plan more carefully for each class and use my test strategies. It is always hard to bring the right supplies to class when there is a new quarter but I think I can stay on top of it. I have also applied my test strategies to many classes such as math.
I think that I did really well this quarter and improved on my goals that I set for myself. I've gotten much better at managing my time as well as maintaing my A's in all my classes. I really enjoy all my teachers, as well as all of my classes. I also can't wait for the next quarter to start and hopefully I will maintain my A's.
The two quarters has gone by really quick! I can't believe we're already going into the third quarter soon. I try my best in my classes, and try to keep up my grades as best as I can. I currently have all A's in my classes which is good. I would like for that to continue the rest of the year. Going into the third quarter, I'd like to be a lot more prepared for quizzes/tests and study on a more consistent basis. I'd also like not sometimes put off some of my homework until later in the day, and instead finish it when I get home. Thanks for being an awesome LA/SS teacher Mrs. Blancher, and I hope the rest of the year is just as great!
I have done a lot in the last 9 weeks and am hoping to do more this next quarter. I will defiantly try harder next quarter for i have let my guard down and haven't been focusing as well as i was at the beginning of the quarter so i need to try as hard as i can. I will get more of my homework in and won't fall back. i can't wait.
I feel like this quarter has gone by faster than first quarter. I have worked on my time management and succeeded in my previous goal. However, I have let my grade slip, and have missed a few unnecessary. I must fix this, and hopefully I can get myself to A+es in all of my classes.
The second quarter of the year comes to an end, but none of our spirits leave with it. Throughout the last nine weeks, I think I did a good job on listening during class. One of my goals from the end of the first quarter was to get better grades in the new quarter. This was a slightly easier thing to do. Another goal was for me to remember what I need to take home everyday. So far, I have been able to improve that goal a little bit, but I still find it hard to remember ALL the materials i would need for that nights homework assignment. Throughout the past two quarters, I realized that I can be a bright person, but I can also be as sour as a sour patch candy. I realized that I remember all my things when I'm happy, but I tend to forget things easily behind my fogged mind whenI i'm upset. In the next quarter, I would really like to never forget my materials. To do this, I could put all the things i need to take home, into my backpack after that period. After getting more and more papers, my binder got kind of messy, so when I organize it, I would like to keep it organized. I would do this by organizing it often. Another goal, that isn't necessarily related to school, is that i would go to sleep earlier, wake up earlier, and actually eat a healthy breakfast.
I am proud of some of the grades that I have acchived now. I wish that I have worked a little bit harder,and put in more effort than I did this quarter. I've noticed that I procrastonate a lot and I feel like I have gotten better at not doing that.
I feel like I have grown a lot this quarter. I have become better organized and have gotten to know my teachers better than last quarter.I have made new classes and done better in class. I would like to be more organized because sometimes i can't find something that is important. I think for third quarter to be successful I need to be better organized and more on top of things.
What I've found this quarter is that I'm better at more hands on projects rather than worksheets (and even then I'm improving on those) and am definitely getting stronger because of PE and having a lot of fun in the meantime. I feel that I need to procrastinate and read in class less, and maybe get some of the assignments done a couple days before they are due instead of always doing them the night before.
I can't believe the school year is already half way done! It seems like just a few months ago I was getting the hang of the Jr. High. I checked back on my end of quarter one reflections, my main goal being to work more on my organization. During this quarter, I think my organization has improved due to a clean locker, binder, and planner. Although I still have some issues with this, I think I have gotten better. Another one of my goals was to keep up my grades and turn in every assignment. This hasen't been much of a problem this quarter, but once or twice I have forgotten a blog or a big piece of a Lit Log. I can improve my work by paying more attention to the instructions of assignments. I am very proud of the first half of the year, and I can't wait for the second. I will continue working on all of my goals and make new ones as I go.
This quarter I have got to know my teachers much better and controlled all of my home work so i don't have to do it the night before its due. I am also doing a good job of checking edline so I always know what I need to improve on or make up. I also would like to improve my skills on reading through all the instructions. Sometimes i find my self missing some points on a lit log or reading notes because i forgot to do something easy. If i read through all the directions my scores in ever class will improve.
I feel that i have been doing better in this class since the end of the first quarter for many reasons. One reason is that one of my goals I set for this quarter was to do my homework with the best quality, ifeel i have improved on this goal. This quarter I experienced a lot of different types of actvities in this class such as the Byzantium "scavenger hunt" through the school. I think that this half of the year will be just as good as the first half.
Well, i've met my goal, which is to not get so much missing and or lates. Now, i need to study a bit more, and if i can, but probably won't, clean my binder out. it is messier than my room, which is saying something. Hwever, i am satisfided that i've met my goal. My new goal is to get at an A, or atleast an A- on all of my grades. I think it can be accomplishable, because my grades are at either B or an A. So, i guess that i am getting used to middle school now.
I feel as though I have learned a lot since last quarter. I have learned to work and be a team player while also learning to accept others and their differences. Just as I wanted, I have been able to be organized and stay on top of my work. Though, next quarter I would like to not leave my homework unfinished and then cram it all in at the very last minute. The first semester has gone well so far and I can't wait to see what the second semester brings.
I have grown alot this quarter. I have exeeded all goals i had for this quarter and look forward to my new classes. A goal i have for the rest of the year is to get all my projects in on time.
This quarter i have grown physically and emotionally. I went through a couple tuff times with too much homework and luckily my family was there to pick me back up when i have fallen down. i have A's and B's and thats it. I am very proud on how my perseverance and my attitude reflected my grade.
-sincerely Isaac waggoner -----
This quarter have improved and grown both socially and academically. One of my goals was to remember to bring in small assignments like bookmarks or signed papers. I think i have improved in this because i haven't forgotten a bookmark in awhile and i have remembered to turn in all my band practice journals except for one. Also i was happy to see that i have sustained all A's. There were a couple times when my grade dropped a low as 81 but i bounced back and my grades are all A's again. In the next quarter i am going to try to work on remembering to bring everything home when i need them like my la/ss spiral or my saxophone or my social studies book.
I am really hoping that in this new quarter I wont get sick as much. I need to have a better way to remember things than just my planner. I will sometimes forget to do some work. This quarter I am pretty happy with the grades I got. they were better than last quarters. I hope next quarter they will be even better.
My goal was to plan out when I was going to work on different assignments for different classes so that I wouldn't just have one night were I needed to work on everything. THis has gone very well and helped me a lot this quarter. It has made a big difference to me.
I have improved a lot since last quarter. Not only in LA.SS but also in math and Science. Some of the skills that I have increased on are, my organization in my binder, locker, and planner. Another thing I have improved is my studding on tests and quiz'es.
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