New Year's Resolutions are not something new. This tradition too relates back to ancient times - the Babylonians! While we may resolve to be healthier or nicer to our parents, the Babylonians most popular resolution? To return borrowed farm equiptment!
Clearly, making resolutions have been ehre a long time and I don't think this tradition is going anywhere. Why do you think people make New Year Resolutions year after year.
Please write a minimum of 4 sentences explaining your thinking!
Feel free to share any resolutions you made if you want to, but it's not required. I've resolved to run a half marathon with my sisters and floss more regularly!
Weekly, you will be expected to comment on the question of the week. Either comment on my question or one of your peer's posts by Thursday at midnight. After you post your blog, double check that it actually did post so that you can earn full credit. If you're having trouble posting your blog, email it to Mrs. Blancher at:
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Did you forget a blog post? Whoops!
The good news: you can make it up!
1. Complete the missing blog
2. Email Mrs. Blancher or tell me in class so I can look at it!
3. Double check that I remembered to look at it by checking your online grades (updated on almost every Friday)
The good news: you can make it up!
1. Complete the missing blog
2. Email Mrs. Blancher or tell me in class so I can look at it!
3. Double check that I remembered to look at it by checking your online grades (updated on almost every Friday)
This year, I'd like to be more healthy. I would achieve my goal by eating more "food", which are natural whole foods like apples and bananas. I would also try to excercise more regularly at home. I can do planks while I watch TV to improve my abdominal areas.
We usually watch movies. and have cider
read it wrong thoght it was tradions my resalotion is to be more organizid =)
I believe that people make new years resolutions year after year because they want to stay on track or get on track. Another reason people make new years resolutions is so they can remember something that they keep forgetting. New years resolutions can help you start your year off right. The last thing that new years resolutions do is help correct a mistake you may have made.
Everybody makes mistakes, and that's probably the main reason people make New Years Resolutions. People also make Resolutions because they want to be a better person. This may include changing your diet, your exercise, anything that an average human needs. Even though it's just a tradition, New Years Resolutions can be really fun, and even life-changing!
People make New Years Resolutions because, they feel they missed out on something. They feel they could have done better in that year. They are motivated because they don't wont their limited years to go to waste. You want to clear out all of the mistakes you made last year by doing everything better.
I would like to be more organized.
New Years resolutions were made to try and make you a better person or improve their overal image. They are also to help others around you. They figure that since its a new year its a good time to be a new and improved person. My new years resolution is to be more organized but still not changing too much about the rest of my life. his is because beiong more organized will change my life a lot.
People make New Years resolutions year after year to keep improving themselves. They might try to set goals that they didn't finish from last year. New Years resolutions are kinda like Gravitas because each year we try to be the best we can be. To be the best we make resolutions.
New Years resolutions to say that the year is over, you've made it and we've done it together. A new year is a fresh start, a new chapter. If you look back to last year you think about all the crazy ignorant stuff you did and new years is basically a way to forget that. I always set goals as ways to improve myself physically and mentally, it's a great opportunity to grow.
I believe that people make new years resolutions because they feel like its a fresh start. So therefore they make resolutions to be a better person the next time around. These are just a few reasons why people make new year resolutions.
the reason people do traditions is beacase it give them something to work at. the resoloution must be kinda hard. my ney year resoloutin is to eat really healthy. this is beacause i just got braces.
I think people make tradition do they can improve there doings and make they themselves and other happier. They do this year after year so they can become better and better at things they do. There can always be improvements! This is why you live so long! So you can be your best!
New Years Resolutions are something that give people something to reach for, and in many ways like a goal. What makes it different from a goal is that you start at the New year so you have a fresh start. Its almost like getting a second chance. My New Years Resolution is to focus more on the book I'm writing!
I think that new years resolutions are about people trying to accomplish something that they dont like about them selves. An example would be if someone wanted to stop smoking so they set that as a resolution. So that means they are trying to quit that bad habit. One year mine was to try and not bite my finger nails but that sadly failed. Most of my resolutions are out far but this year I would want to improve my grades and try to stay on track with with my skin.
I believe that people have continued the resolution tradition because it helps all of us think to ourselves and reflect. I personally like to reflect and think about all the positive and negative moments in the previous year. It helps me to think about what I want to do the same or what I want to do differently in the following year. For all of these reasons, the New Years resolution tradition continues on, and on!! This year, I want to take more risks. That it my big resolution.
New Years Resolutions are made because people want to set a new goal for themselves, and a new year is generally seen as an appropriate time to do so. These resolutions can be anything, ranging from exercising more to remembering to call a friend three times per week. Over time, it's become a tradition to make a resolution each year, as a way to try to improve your habits or skills.
New Years resolution's are to help you make a goal and strive towards it. It also allows you to see what you want to do better in life, and the person you want to be. My new years resolution is to train more often in order to prepare for the track season, and overall, increase my ability in sports by training more. I also hope that people see me as a kind and funny person, and someone they can trust.
New Years Resolutions are made because people want to set a new goal for themselves, and a new year is generally seen as an appropriate time to do so. These resolutions can be anything, ranging from exercising more to remembering to call a friend three times per week. Over time, it's become a tradition to make a resolution each year, as a way to try to improve your habits or skills. Many people make resolutions that they try to follow through with, even if some don't work.
(Adding because I forgot the 4th sentence..)
People make New Years resolutions because they want to be a better person. If they strive towards the goal they set, then most likely they will have good habits and most likely do the right things. My resolution is to not procrastinate that much. Usually when i get a long-term project i put it off until it is due in a few days. I want to start on homework earlier than i did last year.
Your question is why do people make a new years resolution year after year, that is a good question because I really don't know why people would do such a thing if they aren't going to stick with it like going to the gym on Jan. 1 the gyms are packed with people but Jan. 2 the gyms are empty, without a soul. So this year I have devised a plan to make my New Years Resolution to be that next year I will keep my new years resolution going, whatever it is.
I think that people make New Years resolutions because they want to become a better person. They also make goals if they want to have a healthier lifestyle or more active life style. When they make these goals they are mostly based around that they want to be nicer to a specific person or people in general, they want to eat healthier foods, they want to be more active or they want to be more organized or on track. Then every year people either change the past resolutions or they add to them. Sometimes they make completely new ones based on the areas that they have noticed thy need to change in
MY new year resolution is to be myself. This won't take much but I find myself being someone I'm not around people that are more important than me...That doesn't happen normally though because I'm pretty important....I think people make new years resolutions because they want to start off new and healthy. The most common one to my knowledge is, "I want to loose weight or workout/exercise". -Jake Ferdig 131. America, flat-out in all honesty is fat. People want to change this. We make these promises, a lot of the time empty promises but we make them to change who we are, our appearance, or how we feel about ourselves.
My new year's resolution is to become a better artist. I want to become a better artist because there will always be room for improvement, and I could really improve on the time it takes me to draw and color a digital picture compared to the time it takes me to do the same thing traditionally, or rather, non-digitally. I can do this by drawing frequently both digitally and traditionally to improve my technique and expand into different forms of media.
People make New Years resolutions because they want to make the new new year better then the last. They want to achieve there goals before the new year ends. New Years resolutions can help you be or become a better person. They are also fun to make if you achieve them!
I think people have made new years resolutions to improve and focus on their weaknesses, or to refine their strengths. My new year's resolution this year is to get straight A's and be more active in my boy scout troop. I can achieve this by staying on top of my homework and staying in touch with the rest of my troop via email.
i think they make resolutions because they want to improve themselves and make themselves better at one task. its all about the self improvement. Everybody wants to be better. This year I made a resolution to ride my bike more, and being more active.
I believe that people make resolutions because they want to change something about themselves. A New Years resolutions can get you on the right path to achieve a goal. They think that a new year is a good opportunity to do something good. Lastly, it is fun for people to make them and try to reach that goal.
I think people make new year resolutions to improve themselves and live a better lifestyle. New year resolutions are very good because they make you better people half the time. New year resolutions are great goals to reach for before the year ends. When the year does end, you can still work on the goal you set in the previous year but you should be more focused on the goal you set in the current year.
I think people make new years resolutions because it gives them a opportunity to fix mistakes by doing the opposite of what they did wrong and try to fix it through out the year. Some people do their resolution and stick to the plan while others don't do it but think of one anyway.
Year after year, everyone around the world make New Years resolutions. Some make resolutions so they become better people, while others do it so they are more organized and to stay focused. Another reason is because some people would like to fix the problems of theirs and others would like to set new goals for them. Setting new goals has helped many people keep that goal and succeed in life. This year, i came up with a few new resolutions. 1) eat healthier food (veggies, more fruit, etc.) 2) get the sleep i seem to never get. 3) practice piano daily for a longer time 4) do all my chores 5) keep a 4.0 GPA 6) finish all my homework before i fall asleep! Those are a few of my resolutions, what are yours?
People make resolutions because they want to feel like they accomplished something. A resolution could be attempting to win a contest. Or climbing a mountain. Or even playing a game. There's lots of resolutions for anyone to choose.
I think that we come up wit new years resalitions to make us feel better. In order to make us feel better we make unrealalistic goals for ourselfs. I say unrealalistic because most people forget there resoultions after janurany.So i beleive the only reason people make these is not to feel left out.
New Year's resolutions have stuck because they make people's lives better
(I made a complete one before but it failed to post)
This year, I would like to learn Japanese ^_^
I beleive that people make new year resolutions for many different reasons. One main reason is so they can look back at the end of the year and feel accoplished about the fact that they have completed a goal. People do this to boost their self asteem and make them feel good about themselfs. Also, people make new year resolutions to help them correct a mistake or addiction.
I believe many people make New Year's resolutions because it's an easy goal-setting task that can help you develop new skills, become more active, or be a healthier person. Resolutions can help solve conflicts or gradually learn or make a habit of something. Lots of people enjoy keeping their resolutions written down somewhere and take them out again at the end of the year to reflect on how much they achieved. This year, I have made a few resolutions. They include getting more sleep, eating healthier, and getting straight As.
"Nobody's perfect! You live and you work it!"-Hannah Montana Everyone strives to be more and more perfect but will always have faults. And when's a better time to try to start afresh then New Years. It's the beginning of something new and people think that and their faults fall hand in hand. It seems to be an excuse to boost one's ego, which aslong as it doesn't hurt someone I am ok with.
People make new years resolutions year after year because we all need something to work toward. people set goals regularly but on New years people set the bar for the new year. New Years resolutions are often the result of a mistake in the past year that you would like to fix. I am glad to be in 2013 and hope to keep all my goals
I think that that people simply make new year’s resolutions year, after year is because they simply want an excuse to better themselves, and they don’t look like idiots to other people who really do make a resolution. This makes it so people feel more keen to do their pledges. Personally, my resolutions are to get better grades, and to eat less salt.
I believe that people started making resolutions for the new year because they neede some sort of motovation to become a better person. When people make resolutions any other time they wont really stride to complete them. Resolutions probably started because someone had the idea to start the new year on a good year. they couldve thout about it as being aay to start over and to start over you have to make changes, which is where the resolutions came in.
New years resolutions are made by a person because they want to change. Most fail (like me) but others do a good job in it and achieve their goal. They set a goal every year because they want to improve. Or they set the same goal because they have not succeeded or they want to try it again. My resolution is to be less negative and kill my brother with kindness.
As a new year I would like to make my first goal to get outside more often and exersize regularly. Another goal of mine is to Brush my teeth twice a day because I dont want to get any cavitys.
A lot of people makes new year resolutions becuase some people might feel guilty about something, and makes a resolution about it. others makes it becuase others are doing to and they don't want to be left out. also, people wants to stay fit and health, so they exercise or eat more/less, like me. People says that the way you spend your New years is how you spend the rest of the year. So, some people might want to prove that worng, by being lazy i the New Year and being active the rest of the year. It just varies from people to people, becuase not all human on earth are the same. Also, YOLO. "You Only Live Once." some people might take this as a hint to be fit and health, and happy, and ect., so they make New Year Resolutions to have a good life although you only live once. However, just like i said, it will different for different people. SOme might agree to this, and some might not. it just dipends on wha kind of person you are. Some people can be very bored and doesn't know what to do, so they set up a New years reaolution to not be bored half the time.
This year I would like to s[end more time with my family. Instead of staying cooped up in my bedroom all day, I could come downstairs and watch a movie or go out somewhere with my family members. I would also like to work on being organized and on top of my work. Basically meaning; I would like to turn my work in on time (such as this comment).
This year I plan to get more of my work done 1 or 2 days early to alleviate stress on the rest of my life (odd, seeing that this is late). Also, I want to get outside more no matter what the weather.
I believe that New Years resolutions are made so people have something to work for in the New Years. They create goals for the year, but normally people stop accomplishing the goals after January because they feel like they can do the goal some other time and eventually they'll forget about their goal. This year I'd like to be more healthy and do more excercises.
I think that new years resolution is repeated every year, because it is something to look forward too or improve on in the upcoming year. They use it as a guide for the upcoming year. They also use it to be a goal for the new years to work for. This starts your year fresh with a new thing to work for.
i am going tho start handing my stuff in
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