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Monday, December 10, 2012

CDCM Paragraphs (Week 13)

How are your CDCM Paragraphs going? You really hit them hard this week with the Fall of Rome Essay. Please think about the following questions and then write a short paragraph (3-5 sentences) explaining your thoughts on CDCM.
  • EVERYONE: please write one sentence stating your understanding of a CDCM paragraph--what it is OR how you would use it.
Then use these questions as jumping off points to create the rest of your paragraph:
  • What is easy for you to understand about CDCM paragraphs?
  • What is confusing or difficult about CDCM paragraphs?
  • Is there a specific part of a CDCM paragraph that you would like me to explain more indepth?
  • Do you feel you have enough "tools" to go forward with these or do you need more support?


Sarah M. red block said...

CD/CM is Concrete Detail and Commentary you can use this to explain something for a story or you can use it for an essay. I like that it is very straight forward and sometimes easy to identify what to do. I do not really dislike anything about doing CD/CM`s. I understand CD/CM pretty well. I feel pretty confident that I am able to write a CD/CM paragraph by myself.

Kiki Liu Red Block said...

CDCM is Concrete Details and commentary that you can use to explain a quote from the story and back it up with your own thoughts and how you interperete the idea.The part that is easy for me to understand in a CDCM paragraph is that I need a quote from the story and I need to express what I think about the exerpt. There is nothing really hard that I don't understand about CDCM paragraphs, because I am able to write a CDCM paragraph on my own.

Jordan H. Blue Block said...

A CDCM paragraph can be used to tell about a book or about any information you want. In a CDCM paragraph the topic sentence is what your writing about and the CD is the quote or text excerpt. The two CMs are the supporting sentences that tell what your quote proves or shows. Then the conclusion is what you wrote summed up in a couple sentences. For me the only part that i have a hard time remembering to do is add the leadin and citation. Over all CDCM paragraphs are easy to undestand and know aha to do. I feel that i can write a good and complete CDCM paragraph on my own.

Ryan C. Blue Block said...

CD/CM is a paragraph made up of a TADA/topic senence, a concrete detail a.k.a. a quote most of the time. Commentary comes next and that is how you think your quote proves the wuestion or statement for your case, and the finally come the conclusion restating what you said in your paragraph. these are very easy for me and i dont think that there is anything that I need further explanation on. I do have enough tools to write my own easily.

Tyler Harris, Blue Block said...

The definition of CD/CM is Concrete Detail"CD" and Commentary "CM". Its is focusing on the story's details. You should try to remember this very handy method when ever you need to. because your explaining them. I like CD/CM because its an easy method to use, but it takes a while to do.

Cathryn Seibel, Red Block said...

A CD is a concrete detail made up with a topic sentence a CD/CM. I love that we can use it in almost every type of writing. I feel like I understand how to use CDs well. I would like it if we had a little more practice using intros into the quote. I like that it is strong writing that is balanced.

Simon R. blue block said...

One thing I find extremely easy about CD/CM paragraphs is that they're easy to set up. To me a CD/CM paragraph is something that is to help you remember how to make a paragraph for a essay or report.However there is one thing that I find a little difficult when writing a CD/CM paragraph. This is to be able to write one to two sentences in a conclusion with out completely repeating myself again. I feel that I have enough confidence to go forward with the CD/CM paragraphs. However, I'm not saying that I want to stop using the organizers. (Those things are extremely handy!!

Laura J., Blue Block said...

CDCM paragraphs are used to explain or show information about a certain subject/topic. It has concrete detail, most often a excerpt from the text, commentary, where you explain your CD and how it ties together, and your conclusion where you restate how the whole paragraph connects. Something easy to understand about CDCMs is that you catch on quickly as to how to do them. There's nothing too confusing or difficult about CDCM paragraphs to me. I understand what to do with CDCM paragraphs and I am confident that I can write CDCM paragraphs on my own.

Julia W. Blue Block said...

CDCM stands for Concrete Detail and Commentary, and it is most likely used to explain your opinion on something or to back your opinion up. I am confident that I understand the concept of CDCM, and it was easy for me to understand. I don't really look forward to writing two CMs, but it is not difficult and I am fine with it. I feel that I have enough tools to write a CDCM paragraph on my own.

Shannon Smith, Blue Block said...

CD/CM stands for Concrete Detail and Commentary, and you can use this to explain in further detail an example from the story. CD/CM paragraphs are easy to understand because it is a quote or fact from the story, and then commentary about the concrete detail, which is not difficult for me. Sometimes it is challenging for me to word the introduction sentence differently than the conclusion sentence. I understand how to write a good CD/CM paragraph easily, and am sure that I do not need further explanation.

Jason K. BULE block said...

CD/CM paragraph that is made up of a TADA sentence or a topic sentence. Then the CD/concrete detail comes next. CD is where you can put the exact quotes or the facts. Then it comes the CM. You can put your thoughts there. Then, the conclusion comes next. The easiest part was to write a CD part. And the difficult part is writing a conclusion. Also, I think that I have enough tools to write the paragraph by myself.

owen c, red block said...

cd/cm is concrete detail and commentary. it is a good way to write an essay or answer a question. first, there is a topic sentece. then, there is a concrete detail, or fact that proves something. next, there are 2 commentaries that explains what you think of the cd. fianlly, there is a conclusion that states why your cd/cm's prove the question. i really like cd/cm because its easy to focus and organize your thoughts. i feel confident on the cd/cm, so ido t need any more explaining. i feel like i can move foward.

Norman H. Blue Block said...

CD stands for Concrete Detail and CM stands for Commentary. CD/CM is easy once you get the hang of it, but difficult when you start out. I seem to understand it and I can do a CD/CM paragraph on my own.

Hari Iyer, blue block said...

CD/CM paragraphs have a concrete detail sentence and two or more commentary sentences. I like how easy it is to make connections from the CD to the CM's. Whenever I write these paragraphs, it makes me feel like I am doing a better job, and it also is much more straight forward. There is nothing I can think of that is bad about CD/CM. It is the perfect type of paragraph for almost any fact based paper or book summary.

Ariana W. Red block said...

CD/CM paragraphs are paragraphs with a lot more detail than a normal paragraph. They are usually used in essays or speeches to help get the point across quicker. I have a good understanding of how to create them and I how well I can do them is based off of how well I can answer the question and yes, there is enough tools for me to make one.

Hunter S. red block said...

CD\CM have a concreate detail and comantry its hard at first then you get the hang of it.Im better at writeing them now

Anonymous said...


Delaney T. Blue Block said...

A CD/CM paragraph consists of a CD quote that states a fact and CM sentences that back up what you believe and how you feel about the information given. I believe the easiest part for me is choosing a quote from published information. Although the harder part for me includes explaining how the quote relates to my idea instead of restating what I already wrote. I don't think I need any other tools to help me write these paragraphs beside practice.

Jack S. Red block said...

CD/CM is concrete detail and Commentary, you use this to prove a point and to explain a quote from a story. I understand CD/CM very well and dont find it confusing. I think it is a very straight forward concept and I am able to write a CD/CM paragraph by myself.

Kevin Miles, Blue Block said...

CD/CM is concrete detail and commentary is used to tell a quote and then back it up with your interpretation of the quote(s). I didn't think the CD/CM were that hard to do coming up with a hook for the intro was a little difficult. Over all it was really easy for me. The easy part for me was to explain what I though on the quote. I understand and use the CD/CM paragraph so there is nothing I need to have to go over again.

Alice P. Blue Block said...

CD/CM paragraphs are used to explain, tell or show information about a subject. A CD/CM paragraphs are made up of a topic sentence, Concrete Detail, Commentary, and a conclusion sentence. Concrete Detail is usually a quote from a type of text that gives information, while Commentary is where you explain how the CD sentence blends in with everything. One thing that is easy about CD/CM paragraphs are that they are easy to finish after getting an interesting hook and quote. From the quote and on, everything is fairly easy because you are just backing up your answer. Nothing in particular about CD/CM paragrahs was that confusing or difficult. I am confident that i understand what the concepts are and that i could write a CD/CM paragraph at the moments' notice.

Marlea G. said...

A CD/CM paragraph includes both a concrete detail and commentary sentences. This type of paragraph is very convincing when trying to state a point. I personally think that CD/CM paragraphs are very basic and simple to write. I fully understand how to write them, and have nearly no difficulty whatsoever.

Zaira Tovar Red Block said...

A CDCM paragraph has a concrete detail and commentary sentences. I understand how to write one and it is easy. I just need to think deeper into building off the second CM from the first CM. Other than that I don't have any troubles.

ben Suhler red block said...

cd/cm is concrete detail and commentery is how you prove your point

Gareth Hart, Red block said...

A CDCM paragraph is a paragraph that contains a quote and comentary, and is used to convince poeple of a point.I find it easy to write comentary in a CDCM. however I have a small amount of trouble finding quotes. This is because i don't know what I should write about.

Galen Deats, Red Block said...

The CD/CM consists of two parts; the CD (usually a quote from a book, website, or other source) and the two CM's (your PERSONAL commentary or interpretation of the CD, two per paper).

dylan fisher blue block said...

i think that cdcm paragraphs are very easy. they make writing a whole lot easyer for me. it is also a easy paragraph to read which i think helps us in la. they are used to give a TADA sentance and CD Or concrete detail. then a comentary. these help us write beacause it a a guild line on what to write.

Parker Lum, red block said...

CD/CM paragraphs are easy to understand it simply means: Concrete details and commentary. A cd/cm paragraph starts with a topic sentence, then has a quote and work citing, then two supporting sentences for the quote, then finality a conclusion sentence. I feel as if i can do CD/Cm paragraphs on my own.

Mason M blue block said...

CD/CM are doncrete details, which are facts about the topic, and Commentary details, things that prove the concrete detail. I find it very easy to think and write up CD CM paragraphs. I do not really feel that there is anything that challenges me or that I dislike about these paragraphs. If i had the chance to get help with these paragraphs, I would pass becuase if I get stuck i feel that i have the "tools" to figure it out.


CD/CM is concrete detail and Commentary that you can use to get your point across and persuade someone. The easiest part for me to understand about CD/CM paragraph is the quote. There isn't anything confusing about them it just takes a bit to get used to it. I do not need it to be explained in more depth and I have enough "tools" to go forward with CD/CM paragraphs.

Annaliese L. Red block said...

CDCM paragraphs consist of a concrete detail, which is a quote from a book or a website, it also consists of a commentary, which is your own take on the quote. I don't dislike anything about my CDCM paragraphs. I think that you explained it fine and you don't need to go more indepth. I feel confident in writing my paragraphs except for my citations ( I sometimes forget to write them).

Tayler buxton,red block said...

CD/CM paragraph can be used to back up information you have from a quote out of a story. Something that is going very well for me would have to be trying to pull information out of the quote m using and backing it up with my thoughts. One thing that i do find hard is how to do it sometimes i will look at my paper and forget everything about it , but quickly regain the information with Mrs.Blancher helping me remember.

Alex M. blue block said...

CD/CM is Concrete Detail and Commentary and it is used to explain information about a subject/topic. I thinks its really easy to understand the format because its really straight forward. Nothing about it is really confusing and yeah I think i have enough experience to go forward.

Jack Zaninovich said...

A CD is a quote that is used to back up the idea that the writer has. The CM is the commentary the writer uses to support the quote. What is confusing for me about CDCM paragraphs is that how could one paragraph hold so much?

Alyana J. Red Block said...

CDCM is Concrete Details and commentary you can use to take a quote and explain it. You also take your own thoughts on it. It is easy for me to be able to take a quote and explain my own thoughts on it when writing a CDCM paragraph. I don't quite have trouble understanding CDCM paragraphs because it is fairly easy for me to write them.

Lucy S. (red block) said...

CD/CM is the concrete details and commentary. You use it when taking quotes from a story, and to help explain the quote. This essay has not been to challenging for me because this is a easy way to organize my paper. I think it is pretty simple and I have no problems with it.

isaac waggoner blue block said...

CD/CM is concret detail and commentary that you can use to explain a quote from a story and back your answer up with your own thoughts. It is very easy and very straight forward. Sometimes it is difficult to write the conclusions with not repeating yourself. I am okay writing CD/CM but it can be confusing at times.

Jake Ferdig w/ red block said...

CD/CM is a concrete detail and then a commentary. This is used in an essay. It is sometimes super duper easy to get the point across and others not so much. I think the CM is the easy part. The CD is a bit harder for me because I sometimes don't know where to pick my information and what I should pick from it. I think I understand CD/CM paragraphs pretty well. I don't think I could really gain anything from another review. I feel like I can write a good CD/CM paragraph myself.

Cal Lewis, Red Block said...

A CD/CD is a concrete detail (a fact) and your commentary (opinion) on the fact. Though in a CD/CM I find difficult to state my opinion. Mainly because I don't my opinion matters to most people and I really don't enjoy writing most of my opinions whether it's my favorite type of music or even my political views. It's just something I don't enjoy.

Tiffani T. Blue Block said...

A CDCM is a paragraph that has a concrete detail and two commentary. The CD is usually a quote or a fact. The two commentary's are proving your point using information from your CD's. A CDCM paragraph always ends in a conclusion.

Cal Lewis, Red Block said...

A CD/CD is a concrete detail (a fact) and your commentary (opinion) on the fact. Though in a CD/CM I find difficult to state my opinion. Mainly because I don't my opinion matters to most people and I really don't enjoy writing most of my opinions whether it's my favorite type of music or even my political views. It's just something I don't enjoy.

Winston M. red block said...

CD/CM is a format we use to show or state a fact. Concrete Detail (AKA Fact or quote) is the right after the the topic sentence and then you write two commentary sentences. For me this is a really easy technique and makes a great paragraph!

Kelsey D red block said...

A CD/CM is concrete detail which is a quote from a story or website and commentary which is what the quote means to you. To me it is really easy to understand because it is very clear. Sometimes it can be confusing to me when I am doing the CD because sometimes I don't know what quote to choose.

Arianna S. Red Block said...

CDCM is Concrete Detail and Commentary that you use to say a piece of information and your personal feed back on it. The CDCM is very easy and clear to understand. Sometimes it is hard to add a lot of commentary in the paragraphs. The CDCM paragraphs are straight forward and easy to do.

Kyle B. RED BLOCK said...

My understanding of CDCMs is basically something that is used for writing essays. These paragraphs are the most complicated type of paragraph that I know. It is kind of hard to find CMs for the paragraph

Sarah D. Blue Block said...

A CD/CM paragraph is a paragraph that is meant to prove something with a quote and two CM's. The conclusion is easy for me in the CD/CM paragraph because I practically repeat what I already said. Everything but the conclusion is a little confusing to me since I don't usually have two reasons why the quote proves something. I think I could use some help.

Joshua Y. Blue Block said...

A CD/CM is a paragraph used to explain/have evidence on what you are trying to get the reader to get. A CD is concrete detail. This is a sentence where u put proof on what u r trying to tell the reader. A CM is where you explian you CD.

Ben Suhler RED BLOCK said...

cd cm is conceret deatail commentairy some times i dont use it but i try

Griffin C. Blue Block said...

CD/CM is concrete detail and commentary that explains a quote from a novel / book. Usually in a CD/CM paragraph there is a couple of quotes
that are copied exactly from the book to help back up a statement that you have made.

Griffin C. Blue Block said...

CD/CM is concrete detail and commentary that explains a quote from a novel / book. Usually in a CD/CM paragraph there is a couple of quotes
that are copied exactly from the book to help back up a statement that you have made.

Anonymous said...

I know all of your names... i am watching