How do you show your Mutliple Intelligences (MI)? Rememeber, these are to be celebrated - so celerbrate yourself!
One way that I show my strongest MI of logical/mathematical is that I love to make "To Do" Lists. Somehow it's very satisfying to write something down and mark it off the list. For example, I had a Thanksgiving To Do List that started the Sunday before Thanksgiving and stretched through the holiday so that I was able to get everything done. To Do Lists help me stay organized and I can work through my tasks step by step.
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The good news: you can make it up!
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2. Email Mrs. Blancher or tell me in class so I can look at it!
3. Double check that I remembered to look at it by checking your online grades (updated on almost every Friday)
Well the thing is I dont really have an MI, but something that I do is also make lists, but like things that I would like to have, I would just right it down and then when I got that item I would mark it off. Its that simple. For example I see a new skateboard or a videogame that comes out, ill right it down, and then when I get it "which is usually in a long time,"ill just put a slash through the item.
ONe way that I show my Multiple Intelligences in naturalistics is where I organize my binders. I classify my worksheets and handbacks by subject and date. For example, when the teacher hands me back a worksheet I would immediately put it in my binder in the right subject which prevents me from loosing it. Classification helps me stay organized and on tasks.
One way I show my MI in naturalistic is that i love to read animal encyclopedias so I can easily identify animals when I see them out in the wild. For example when I 'm in the car and see a hawk in the sky I can easily classify it (like an Osprey or red tailed hawk). Being able to classify animals makes hiking and riding in the car much more enjoyable.
one of the ways that i show my Mi is that when it is a hands on actitavty i do well at it same with being phiskly active i ride my bike alot.
One way I show my Multiple Intelligence of music/rhythms is that i love music. I've played the piano for over eight years and i've played the clarinet for 2 years. I'm currently learning how to play the flute from my friend. When playing my instruments, i have to learn different patterns and rhythms that would help me become more successful at playing the repertoire. Music helps me stay enthusiastic and helps me understand music and rhythms.
Something that helps me with my Multiple Intelligence is keeping organized. Sometime my binder gets a little out of hand but when i get home i always try to fix it up and put all of my papers where they belong so i don't loose them.
one way that i show my MI in kinesthetic is being active all the time. i like to move around and usually cant stay stil unless there is somethimg interesting going on. i also learn by watching people do somethimg then trying it myself. i sometimes dont understand the concept when the teacher is talking, but i understand if there is a hands aon activity.
A way that I show my Multiple Intelligence of music/rhythms is being involved with music all the time. I'm currently in band and have played the clarinet for around a year, and have played the piano for around 6 years. While playing music for each instrument, we have to know our notes that we play and rhythms in our music. Knowing our rhythms is very important when playing any kind of instruments.
One way that I show my Intrapersonal multiple intelligence is that I read a lot about politics and world news and have strong opinions about them. I enjoy serious discussions about these topics, but also enjoy joking about them and political comedy along the lines of Steven Colbert and Jon Stewart.
the way I use naturalist mi is when i have suden urges to organize things into catatorgies. I don't know when it started, but when i am bored I sudenally try and find something to organize. I don't mean tidying up and stuff, I mean sorting things into catagories.
one way i show my MI is remembering. i can remember a pattern and stuff, and i can remember it. it's actually kinda cool because if i hear a song from a movie i haven't seen in a while, and i hear it in a store, i can identify the song. i can also memorize voice actors in cartoons. it amazes my brother on how i can remember cartoon voice actors.
One way I celebrate my MI is making theories for things in real life and in fiction. For example, The Song Of Storms, from the video game, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. When played in the game, it would cause a storm to start. And it has also been known to occasionally do the same in real life. My theory for that is the specific combination of notes at that specific tempo creates a low frequency vibration that moves through the house and causes the water droplets in the air outside to bump into each other.
One way I show my Multiple Intelligences is that I am Bodily Kinesthetic. I like to stay active, and I love to dance! I like to doing things hands-on, and being up and around is always a way to help me learn. An example is that when we do interacts at school, I learn better. I usually can't stand still, it makes me get real ansy! I'm not the best athlete in the world, but I always try to do my best and enjoy how I do it!
One way I show my MI in bodily-kinesthetic is by swimming. I like to swim, and I do every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for 2 hours each day. I am fit and active this way. I also seem to learn better by doing hands-on activities, simulations, and active movement.
One way i show my Multiple Intelligences of Music/Rhythms is that i love music and love to make music. I have played the piano for 5 years. I also played the clarinet for a year and I a just starting to learn how to play the saxophone. To be able to play these instruments I have to learn and remember the notes and fingerings. When playing these notes I have to learn and remember different patterns and cadences. Doing this helps me learn and enjoy music more
My MI is kind of kinestetic, musical, and the one that has reading on it. I am horrible at organization. That is why i need help organizing. One thing that i really like is reading a really good book in a place where noone can disturb you. I am a big fan on hands-on activities. Actually moving your body and doing what needs to be done, is much more fun to learn, and it actually sticks in my brain. It's a lot better than sitting down and writing. I can infersonate some poeple like pewdiepie, and such. I always remember what the person says the most. for pewdiepie, it's either: "barrels!" or "I DONT CARE!!!! do i look like i care?" So, i remember what the person i watch or is with most says. I am kinestetic because i enjoy swimming. whenever i do swmming, i really enjoy it. However, the water needs to be cool, because if it's warm water, the water "sucks out" my energy. I do enjoy games like League of Legends or modern Warfare 2 or 3, because ou only control one person or thing at a time, and i'm not that great with controlling multiple characters. Two is fine. I d enjoy a bit of writing/typing when i can "talk" about my favorite/not so boring subjects, like now, i am typing more than usaul.
One way that I show my MI is in the musical/rythms category. I love music and has been a part of my life since I was born. I am very good at making random beats and rythms while just messing aroud with my pencills or pens. It also helps me escape from whats going on around me, if I'm having a bad day I just turn on some music and block out all the negative things in life.
One of my Multiple Intelligences is bodily kinesthic. I like to move and do some exercises. I like to do jumprpoe, too. I like to play sports like basketball. Also, I'm the basketball team.
A way i show my Multiple Intelligences is that I dance. Known on the Multiple Intelligence scale as Bodily-Kinesthetic. It is easy for me to be active, to have a demonstration, and to learn from it. Also something that helps me with dance is Musical/Rhythmic. It is easy for me to find a beat and to stay with it.
One way I show my MI is by Musical/rhythms because I have played the trumpet for two years and I try to learn new lip slurs to help me to play a high g on my trumpet and then I will be satisfied with my self when I can play that high of a note. I love music so much and hope to continue with my trumpet playing.
Also bodily kinesthetic because I play lots of sports including soccer lacrosse and also futsol.
I have many high scores for my Multiple Intellegences, including Musical/Rhythmic, Interpersonal, Bodily/Kinesthetic, Intrapersonal, and Visual/Spatial. I always listen to music, because it takes my mind off things and I enjoy it. I have also sang since I was very little. I also love to talk and socialize with my friends by talking, texting, and emailing. Hands-on projects interest me, and I play a lot sports, which keeps me very busy outside of school. Lastly, I am good at visualizing things and keeping other people's opinions, and my own opinion, in mind when making decisions.
Some of my highest scores were under Naturalist, Kinesthetic, Interpersonal but my highest was Visual. I can daydream all day long if i were allowed to. I love that when I read an image will pop into my mind, but the downside about this is that when movies come out I will always have imagined something differently. I learn really quickly from watching videos but also anything else I can see. When I study for a test I would describe myself as naturalist because with vocabulary words I can pick up the slightest key words to make that vocabulary word stand out. I found most of this test to be accurate.
one way i show logisist is that i can do math calculations in my head
One way I use my MI is by keeping lots of things in my head. I seem to have very large memory, so I like to keep check-lists in my mind and I don't need to write them down. It's pretty cool. I also use this kind of method on how I act towards my friends. It's usually supposed to stay steady, but if something bad happens it lowers, and when something good happens it increases, kind of like a video game when you're trying to get to the next level.
One way I show one of my MIs is I play the clarinet. This would be under Musical-Rhytmic.
One way I show my Multiple Intelligences in kinesthetic is when I do a physical activity such as soccer or dance. I learn better when I am able to do the activity first and then fix my mistakes. For example, when I am playing goalie in soccer and someone takes a shot on me and I fail to catch the ball, I know what stance I need to take in order to catch or dive for the ball if it happens that the same person takes another shot. Learning by doing an activity helps me know what my flaws are and how I can fix them.
One way that I show that i have the Multiple Intelligence (MI) of Naturalist is that I organize a lot of things including my homework. I color cote all my things for my binder which is how i classify things. These are some of the ways that show that I have the MI of Naturalist.
One way I show my MI is I am a visual learner. For example if a teacher explains something i wont get it, but if they give me an example or show me it visually i will get it.Visual examples makes learning more fun.
The way that I show my multiple intelligence of linguistics is through my writings. I am writing a book (not a short story, an actual, long, novel) people think it is pretty good, so that's nice. I also love to read. Reading is my main activity and as some people may know, if I am reading a good book, then I get frustrated when I have to put it down. Also, I like writing long reports, and when someone explains something through words, it makes complete sense.
One way that i show my multiple intelligence (mathematica/logical) is doing crossword puzzles or when I'm trying to pass the time I like to do math problems in my head. I heard that doing crossword puzzles can even extend your life.
One way I show my MI, which is bodily kinesthetic, is I play a lot of sports. For example, sports take up most of the free time I have. When I'm not at team practices, I'm out practicing on my our. Thats just one of the things I love.
One way i show my "MI"(bodily-kinesthetic) is by playing sports. I love to play soccer and I have been playing it ever since i was five. I also like play lacrosse. That is how i show my "MI".
One of my MI is bodily-kinesthetic. One way I show that I posses the MI is when I choose to really get " into the game" in P.E. What I mean by this is that I try to do all of the physical activities as best as I can and have fun!
One way I show my MI naturalist is When I play a certain video game and I have to find minute differences in attack patterns so that I can dodge/block/counterattack.
The section I scored the highest on is logical/mathematical. One way I show my multiple intelligences is math is very easy for me and I pick up on it pretty fast, I also enjoy making lists! Whenever I cross something off like on my planner I feel like I have accomplished something!
I dont really have a Multiple inteligence. A thing I like to do is play soccer as goalie. I practice almost all year long and and make goals on how I want to get better.
Some of my highest scores were Musical Rhythmic and Interpersonal, but my absolute highest score was definitely Bodily Kinesthetic. One way that I show this MI is by being active whenever I get the chance. Some people like to maybe watch a movie on the couch as their idea of relaxing, but not me... I get antsy just sitting around watching tv, so to relax I might go on the trampoline. The only movies I can watch without getting bored midway through are horror movies (and batman!!!!!!) because I'm always jumping around and freaking out the whole time. Also, I will show this MI in class when we take the chance to get out of our seats and do an activity.
One way I show my Multiple Intelligences in Naturalistic is I observe. I take account for the small details. I may not look my hardest for the little things at school but I do take into consider of my surroundings. I deffenintly have the Naturalistic MI.
I have a good MI in mathematical and logical MI. It might be because ever since I was a kid I always counted numbers in my head and went through the basic times tables and figuring out patterns, which must have helped me a lot for mental math. I think that I have a good logical mind is because I went through a lot of pain in my childhood. Like biking or when I am going to hit something or even when it will happen to someone else. Because of that I can calculate what will happen and change it.
One way i like to show my Mi is by doing artistic activities. A great thing about LOJ is that they have art classes.
My highest MI was bodily kinesthetic. I do many sports and enjoy playing sports so I can relate to this. I can never sit still and am usually doing something active so I can shurly say that I am bodily kinesthetic.
One of they ways that I show my Multiple Intelligence's is through the kinesthetic side. I am very physically active and always am running, walking my dog, Swimming, or working out. I like trying to keep myself fit.
One way i show my kinesthetic intelligence is by playing sports. I love playing tennis and do it at least 4 times a week. For me sports are the best way to get stress out and i always have fun.
The Way that I show my intelligences by doings them i am good at sports to show that I play all year round. I can figure out what I am good at and then figure out the best way to show it
The Way that I show my intelligences by doings them i am good at sports to show that I play all year round. I can figure out what I am good at and then figure out the best way to show it
one way that i show my multiple intellegences is playing sports. I love to play basketball and i love to go on runs. This is bodily kinisthetic intellegence. Whenever i get the chance to sign up for a sport, I always take that opportunity.
One way I show my Multiple Intelligence of Kinesthetic is how I enjoy to be active and move around. I have many sports that I do for fun, such as golf, volleyball, basketball, and soccer. I love seeing my friends every week and meeting new ones through my team. Playing sports is a great way for me to forget about stress, practice new techniques, and focus my energy on something.
How I use my Musical MI is by listening to music. I listen to all types of music and I try out instruments. I use my MI to read sheets of music to play a song on an instrument.
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