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Monday, November 5, 2012

Bullying...Charlie experienced it...you probably have too... (Wk 9)

Being bullied. We have seen it, experienced it, and may have been a bully to someone. Bullying is when a person is picked on over and over again by an individual or group with more power, either in terms of physical strength or social standing.
Describe a time when you saw or experienced a form of bullying. Be sure to address these questions in your description of the incident:
  • What happened?
  • How did you feel?
  • What did you do? OR What did you wish you had done?
  • What advice would you give someone based on your experience?
 This response should be a paragraph in length!


Sarah M. red block said...

During Recess one day at my elementary school a girl was being bullied because people were saying mean things to her. I should have tried to tell the people to stop but i am really shy and I do not like to get in the middle of conflict. I did not hear exactly what they were saying but the girl looked sad. I hope to never see bullying again but if I do i will hopefully try to resolve it a bit better.

Norman H. Blue Block said...

Once, I went to sit down at lunch with a huge group of my friends. I started talking to them when I got out a Twinkie from my lunchbox. Whenever someone at the table sees a cool snack in my lunchbox, they usually take it and I have to take it from them. But this time it was chaotic. Someone took the Twinkie and before they could open the wrapper, but he started looking for more food in my lunchbox. I was angry. If this happens to anyone they should say, "Back off, it's my lunch."

Ariana Wolff red block said...

A few weeks ago during math class the girls sitting at the table behind me were talking to the boys at the table behind them. I wanted to join in and they were talking about random things, so I said that I was part German. In the back of my mind, I knew that I was taking a risk saying something like that, but that little voice was asleep at the wheel. Next thing I know, the boys two tables behind me saluted me and said, well, let's just say something very very very very offensive to me and my German heritage. I did not take action that day and I ended up going home in tears about what they said to me. The next day, I confronted them about what they said to me and they apologized to me and I am glad that I took action that day.

jordan H. Blue Block said...

One day after school i was on the bus and one kid sat next to another kid and started to call him names and yell at him. I felt sorry for the kid and mad at the bully. didn't do anything and just sat there but i wish i had done something to help the kid.

Kelsey D. Red block said...

A couple months ago I was hanging out with my cousin. She has a learning disorder and people make fun if her a lot. Her phone vibrated on on the screen I saw a rude text message. I told her it wasn't okay and called the phone number and told them to stop and that it isn't okay. At that moment I didn't know how I was feeling, I just wondered what it felt like to be her.

Ryan C. Blue Block said...

One day I was on the lacrosse field and it was the playoff game against Lincoln to get into the CHampionship. The goalie made a bold move to come out of the goal to try and stop me from scoring the game winning goal with about 15 seconds left. He didnt stop me and all his teamates were extremely mad at him for missing. After we shook hands I said a specil thankis to him for a good game and made sure he was okay since he had tears in his eyes. I felt sad for him because he was getting beat up verbally by his own teamates. I couldnt do much to stop it because we were starting the championship game but I wish I had more time so that I coulkd tell the team to stop picking on him because he did more to try and stop that last fatefull shot than anyone else did.

Anonymous said...

Cathryn Seibel Red Block said...

One day in elementary school I saw one of my friends being bullied. I was not okay with this, like any good friend would be. I walked up and told them to stop, that it wasn't alright and that they needed to find something else other than that to do. In a way I felt like a bully because I insulted the bully's week spot. Though I would have done the same thing again if necessary.

Jason Kwon, BLUE BLOCK said...

One day after school(in Korea), I saw some big kids were little kids. I was scared because the big kids might bully me, too. I watched them but I wish I had done something to help but I was too scared.

Delaney T. Blue Block said...

Bulling takes part at this school almost every day, from name-calling to talking behind someone's back. This happened in elementary school too, and I can recall a time when I saw it taking place. At lunch a 5th grader in my class tried to join in on a group of 6th grader's conversations. They stared blankly at her and one of them said a quick word back. Then they moved their group to the other end of the room and began to chat and laugh behind her back. I wish I would of said something then, but I still don't know if I would stand up to them now. I remember feeling awful for that girl and wanting to comfort her. If I could give anyone advice based on this experience, I would say to search for this kind of behavior and stop it immediately.

Simon R. blue block said...

I've seen lots of bullying in my 7 years of being at school. The time that I least favored bullying was when my sister got threatened while being held up an inch or so from the ground by the collar. This made me mad because I don't like anybody threatening or hurting anybody that is really close to me. I simply reacted by telling the bully to stop and the bully did. The major advise I would give someone is that if a bully is out numbered or ignored they will easily stop.

Sarah D. Blue Block said...

One time I was on the bus and a kid with a name that I will not tell(lucky for him)bullied me. He said that "no one liked me" and that I should "just shut up" while obsessively playing on his iPod touch. I told him that that wasn't true and that I had alot of friends. All he did was smirk and say"u huh sure". I knew he didn't show it but I could tell he knew, plus he sees me hang out with them everyday. Even though I knew this it still didn't make me feel better but to tell you the truth I tried not to show it. I suggest if something like this happens to you you should stand up for your self and realize that what people like that say to you shouldn't effect your emotions. Their just being well, stupid.

Lucy stout ( red block) said...

I have seen bullying a lot, and I think it is unexceptable. One of my friend was being called rude names constantly by another person. I felt very sad for them, and all I could do was try to tell her that non of it was true. I tried not to get into it, but I hope that in the future they learn how rude it it's and to never do it again. If I could give anyone advise it would be to ignore anything rude said to them and don't treat others that way.

Tayler Buxton, Red block said...

One day while on the bus i was minding my own business when a girl (not going to share a name) punched me in the eye on her way off the bus. I cried for a long time and felt miserable and was in pain. When my friend and her little sister asked me if i was okay i told them what had happened and they comforted me until we all got off at our stop. When i got home i told my step mom what happened and she called my dad at work sounding very worried, when my dad got home later that day he called the school. I am happy i took a stand to that bully that day i wasn't bullied for a long time after that.

Gareth Hart, Red block said...

I have never truly experienced bullying myself but i have experienced having a friend bullyed,so i will talk about that. It was in frouth grade my friend and I were on the bus. my friend was just telling me about how bad his day had been because he was sick of poeple talking about the civil war (as in ducks and beavers).then the other kid on the bus(who I shall call the bully) ask what we were talking about. My friend unwisely told him,and for the rest of the bus ride it was a absoult torrent of the phrase "ducks and beavers". my freind ended up cluchting his ears and demanding that the bully shoud stop. my reaction was to try and tell the busdriver, but he ignored me. I then started to tell the bully to stop but he wouldn't stop. I told him that he was being a bully but siad that saying a phrase over and over agian wasn't bullying. The next day he was punished. I was still angry at the busdriver for not taking action then and there.

Julia W. Blue Block said...

My friend was really close with her girlfriends, they were always laughing together, hugging and holding hands. Noone thought of it as anything but two best friends being besties together! One day, she came to school and it was lunch. I went outside to the blacktop and heard people saying "Oh my gosh! She totally is!" and calling her a lesbian. She was a really sweet girl, so seeing this happen to her was devastating. I wish I would have done something, but I told the girl that it wasn't true and that the rumor would die off soon and not to dwell too much on it. Little did I know that she would be so hurt she'd come home in tears not wanting to do anything with the outside world. Bullying is unacceptable and rude. Noone should EVER experience what she did, and some advice I have is to stand up and let the bully no that it is NOT OKAY. It makes the other person feel insecure and change there ways. That girl was never caught hugging another girl in public again! She wanted to stop being nice with her girlfriends because of a rumor. That's just awful. She told me it made her feel sad and angry.

Julia W. Blue Block said...

know* their*

Kiki Liu Red Block said...

When I was in elementary school, I remembered that one of my classmates was bullied because of size. She wasn't the prettiest of the most slim so she was picked on by a group of "popular" girls. The girls excluded her and they said really mean things behind her back. Back then I was really didn't want to be on the "bad side" of the popular girls because I was scared of what will happen if I stood up to her. Now when I think back, I really wished I could have told a teacher or an adult. I would have also liked to be her friend. I would like to tell others that being a bystander is even more hurtful than a bully. Stand up to the bullies or be nicer to the victim.

Laura J., blue block said...

In elementary school a couple years ago, I saw someone was being picked on because of their size. I felt bad for the victim, and upset at the bullies. I wished that I would've helped the person being bullied, but I didn't know her very well, and I was a little shy. I should have tried to stand up for her and help her. Once they left her alone, I talked to her and comforted her a little. I would most likely suggest to try to stand up to the bullies and try to resolve it as fast as you can.

Alice P. B said...

On the bus ride home, I was sitting peacefully next to my friends when a guy friend of mine got on. My friends and I were all sitting in the back with our other friends, but when my guy friend got on the bus, everyone avoided trying to sit with him. Of course he didn't want to sit with girls, so he kept on walking past us. All the guys in the back sat at the edge of the seat and put their backpacks in the open space to make it look as if there was no more space for anyone else. Seeing this, my friend look slightly hurt and offended. But he still forced his way into a seat. Throughout the whole bus ride, my friend is in a battlefield against many other people. He is hurt verbally and is always fighting back with harsh words to protect himself. This tends to happen every bus ride home, and no matter what he tries, he is constantly fighting with words to stay strong. Because of the bullying that is happening on the bus everyday, his self esteem seems to sink and plummet. During that time, I could have stood up for him. Many days, it seems as if there are tears in his eyes and I've done nothing to defend him. I could have offered him a seat when he was passing y so he wouldn't have to force a way into a seat and feel unwanted. I could have stopped the bullying by telling the bullies to stop and to leave him alone. I could have told them that they should treat people the way they want to be treated. The bullies actions made me angry and made me want to change things, but i also felt as if it wasn't my place to stop a bully. Bullying is something that you would not want to experience over and over again. It causes a mental scar that grows and grows every time you are hurt. Anyone could be bullied, and being bullied doesn't feel good. At this moment, my friend is still battling the bullies, and because of the battles he is facing, he is becoming a worse person. By being bullied, he has become harsh on the inside and the inside. He is becoming a bully himself, but if the bullying that is happening to him stops, my friend might stop being a bully as well. Being bullied can make a person feel insecure and unwanted. Feeling insecure and unwanted is feeling that nobody would be willing to feel.

Anonymous said...

Galen Deats, Red Block
I was bullied pretty often back at my old school of Hallinan. A couple of kids spread nasty rumors about me and were mean to me during the games I played. (Hey, I said often, not badly.)

Jack Zaninovich said...

I remember once when I was at my brothers baseball game, I went up into this area where 3 other kids were. I started playing on my 3DS. They said that I was a freak playing my "DS" and I corrected them when they said DS. And then they said in such an obnoxious bratty voice "It's a 3DS." Then they started to tell me to leave and took the chair that I was sitting on away and made me fall down. Then I lost my temper and grabbed on of their heads and yanked their hair. They then squeezed my arm really tight and I pulled away. I shoved them away, a woman standing by told me to stop without hearing the whole story, and I insulted them. She then said for me to leave but it's not as if I would listen to that jerk. Then she called the office and all of these people came up deciding whether they should make me leave forcefully or not. They then decided to get my dad and at first he was very angry. But when I told him the story he stopped and got up to ask where those brats were. Unfortunately they left when people were coming up. When I was telling the story to my dad I couldn't help but cry. So he pulled me down to the stands to watch my brothers baseball game again. I was bullied horribly by those brats that will surely go to hell.

Kyle B. RED block said...

Currently I am being bullied by someone who I know will not stop no matter WHAT I try. I also know that he will say the same thing about me in the blog to. This bullying thing isn't only emotional, it's physical to. Like yesterday he kicked me AND elbowed me as we were leaving the cafeteria. This guy is the WORST bully EVER. Don't even THINK about standing up to him, because what he does is he figures out another insult to give you. Whenever he can, he calles me "retarted" or "supid" and stuff like that.

Kyle B. RED block said...

I also want to add that the teachers aren't helping at ALL.

Jack S. RED Block said...

One time at my old school I was walking over to my friends at lunch to sit down. I always sit with them so it was no big deal I sat there. However they started talking about stuff that was offensive to me to my face. It really hurt my feeling but I knew that they were just joking with me so I didn't take it personally but it still made me feel bad.

Tiffani T Blue Block said...

Not too long ago, in Pre-Algebra our whole class got assigned seats. The next day I came into class and I sat down at my new assigned seat. Then a kid (not naming any names) told me to move. I said, with much confusion, "But this is my assigned seat, why should I move?" Well he just kept telling me to move, but I kept saying no. The next day the same thing happened, and I was really tired so I said, "fine but if you get in trouble, it's not my fault. So, I went and sat at his assigned seat. The teacher then came in and told me and the guy to go to our assigned seats. I then told her about how he had kept telling me to move. But then he interjected in, "No, thats not true! Shes lying! I came in and she was sitting in my spot, so I had to sit here!" That made me so mad. I was about to protest when Mrs. Nichols said "I don't care who started it, its both of your faults. Now just go back to your seats so we can get started." This made me so frustrated. That is my bullying experience.

Hari Iyer, blue block said...

Once, on the bus home from my old school, I saw a group of people picking on a few people in the back. One of the people who was being picked on was my friend, and I was extremely mad about it. I wish I had been more effective, but I marched up to the back and yelled at them to back off. I don't know what happened after that because I had to get off the bus, but I really hope d that they had stopped bullying the people.

Kevin Miles, blue block said...

Last term I was talking with some of my friends at comp. tech and we were talking and then somebody brought up this girl they saw in the hallway and they said she was ugly I then said that she was actually really nice and then we realized she was right behind us and then she thanks me for standing up for her and that made me feel good because I knew I was doing the right thing.

Mason M BLUE block said...

One day, at recess at elementary school, I noticed that one of my best friends was being bullied. There was a kid calling him bad names and yelling at him. I noticed that no one would step in and help so I went up and calmly broke up the fight. My friend was really upset so I talked to him and calmed him down.

Tyler Harris, Blue Block said...

I have never really seen alot of people get bullied but I have been bullied an amount of times. I will give you an example of time it happened.One time I was minding my own business when I was in I think first grade, these kids started embarrassing me and harassing me and all this junk, because at the time I didn't really have much friends and everyone kinda avoided me, and well they wouldn't stop so I told them to stop, and what was amazing is that, I told the teachers and they didn't do anything about it.

Shannon Smith, Blue Block said...

One day in elementary school, I was playing soccer at recess with all of my friends. Suddenly, I got the ball passed to me and I sprinted ahead. I was about to shoot the ball when a person thought it was funny to kick my ankle as I was running. I hurt my ankle and scraped my knee on a rock when I fell. When people asked me what happened, I would say that I tripped on a rock because I was afraid that the bully would be mad at me if I told on him. What hurt most though was the fact that the bully had thought it was funny to do that. Even though I was hurt, my friends helped me through it and stood up for me. I believe that no one should ever have to endure a bully, and if they do, always turn to your friends for help and support!

Maya Waddell Red Block said...

Once I had my iPod out, and everyone started taking it from me. I kept on saying "give it back!" bur no one listened. So i had to grab it out of someone's hand, i put it away, and i got so annoyed because they didn't ask, they just took it from me.

Joshua Y. Blue Block said...

In Irvine, I was just hanging out with my friends at lunch. Then, some mean-looking kids came, and tryed to get one of my friend (Shane) to eat wheat bread (He was alergic to wheat). I immediatly told on them (I wasn't thinking straight ok?). They got detention, and i kind of saved my friend from dieing. What i wanted to do was beat them up. Beating bullies up kid of solves the problem and makes you feel better too. But what i did was stand there for a moment having real anger like i've been injected with a thousand steroises. Then, i shook off the hesitation and told on them. If anything happens to you or your friend, tell immedatly. Allegies are something that can't be overreacted. Still to this day, i wish that i beat them up. The anger is kind of helpful too, because it gives me an aldreline rush during P.E., so that i can keep on going. Anyways, TRY to solve the problem yourself. If it doesn't work, or it seems that you can't tell an adult. Finally, ignore what other kids call you (tattletale, ect)When it comes down to allergies, you have to do something, or there can be horrible side affects.

Joshua Y. Blue Block said...

*Kind of* not kid, tell, an adult not tell an adult, and i was bullyed myself =, but that's a whole different story. One reason i said that i saved my friend from dieing was that if Shane (My friend who gets bullied) ate a certain amount (which isn't that much), he would die.

Alyana J. Red block said...

It was in the fifth and sixth grade when I was bullied to an extent. I didn't think I did anything wrong, but I guess some of the kids at school said otherwise. I had a black jacket and mostly wore darker colors back then and it just seemed to be a big deal. I was teased and called "emo" or "gothic" for my choice in color. I felt hurt and angry at the same time. But I just let people get away with it. I wish that I could have stood up for myself instead of laughing and masking my pain when I was called such names. As for advice, I would have to say, stand up. I didn't stand up for myself and the teasing continued. I wish I had someone there for me, so help people when you see a similar situation happening.

Cal Lewis, Red Block said...

In fifth grade I went to a school in Arizona where a bunch of kids made fun of me. Calling me fat usually including curse words with. I was pretty resilient towards their snide, so it never got to me. I knew they were just rude kids being rude but I still felt. Advice that I would give to someone is to not stress over it, bullys only bully for attention or to feel good about themselves.

Cal Lewis, Red Block said...

In fifth grade I went to a school in Arizona where a bunch of kids made fun of me. Calling me fat usually including curse words with their insensitive words. I was pretty resilient towards their snide comments, so it never got to me. I knew they were just rude kids being rude but I still felt. Advice that I would give to someone is to not stress over it, bullys only bully for attention or to feel good about themselves.

Jake Ferdig w/ red block said...

Yes everyone goes through it. We hear of both verbal and physical bullying. We all say oh no that's never happened to me when you know the only person you are tricking is yourself. Its ok to tell someone. I am glad this blog is on this topic because it helps kids relieve themselves without feeling out of place. I have been bullied on more than one occasion. One that I can really remember is something that happened on the bus, as this is a place where many of these things happen. It was in fourth grade, one of the best years of elementary school. I had just moved to this side of the like for school a year ago and my previous year was good, so I expected the same of this year. I was right, it was great but a kid, he who shall not be named, (not Voldemort but) but I"ma say it anyways. Jack Able was your typical bully but he had a strong dislike for the person I was. I didn't get this because I got the message from everyone that I was likable, and accepted but he made me feel exactly the opposite. He would call me names and as Alice said what happened to her friend, he told everyone to not let me sit down with them and put their backpacks next to them and sit close to the aisle making not spot for me. I was able to sit with my friends but just the thought of what he did to me was not very nice and didn't make me feel very good.

Annaliese L. Red block said...

One time there was a girl on the playground getting picked on at my elementary school. After that i walked up to her and I asked her if she was ok. But I wish I would have stopped if while it was happening. If I were to give some advice to someone I would say to tell the bully to stop and then talk to an adult.

Parker L. red block said...

Once in elementry school I was on the bus and a person sat next to a new kid and started calling him names. then when the new kid atoll him to stop he started calling hime evan worse names. Then he asked hi to stop in a louder voice and the billie started punching him really hard in the chest. The kid was holding back tears. Then the bus driver told hime he was going to sit in the front for the rest of the year. I wish i dad done something for the kid, but i was to afraid of the bully.

Dylan Fisher blue block said...

Thi one time I had a freind and we were the best of friends until one day I came to school with the Same kind of shoes on as him and he got really mad. He said that we wouldn't be feelings if I wore them and then pushed me down.i later changed shoes. This made me feel like I didn't have any other friends to turn to. I later became friends with him again and he haven't done it since then

Winston M., Red Block said...

once, in elementary school people were writing really mean things about other people. I thought just because i wasnt one of the people writing the notes i wasnt doing anything wrong. I should have told an adult but they were my friends so i didn't. i wish i would have told someone, but i ended up apologizing and something like that has never happened to me again

Arianna S. Red Block said...

One time someone was making fun of someone because they were mentally challenged. I felt bad for this person because it is not their fault they were given a challenge or that they were different. i told the bully to stop and they did. based on this experience i would say to someone that we are all different and we don't need our differences pointed out.

Zaira Tovar RED said...

Once when everybody was waiting outside of the school for the bell to ring so we could start the day, I saw a group of boys tossing around a kids hat. Then they picked him up. I was confused if they were teasing him or playing with him. Still it seemed wrong of what they were doing. Asked them to stop but they wouldn't. My advice to give to someone is to ask them to stop, if they don't tell an adult. Because someone could get hurt.

Kalanie T. Red blcok said...

Last year I was called a name by a boy I dont get along with. It made me look at myself different and it took me a couple of months to realize that what he said wasnt true. I finally got the courage to stand up for myself and Im glad I did, because now we get along fine.

Kalanie T. Red blcok said...

Last year I was called a name by a boy I dont get along with. It made me look at myself different and it took me a couple of months to realize that what he said wasnt true. I finally got the courage to stand up for myself and Im glad I did, because now we get along fine.

owen c, red block said...

I don't have any times in which I remembered being bullied or witnessing a bully.

Marlea G. said...

This summer I witnessed someone repetitively bullying a good friend of mine that already has enough things to worry about. The girl's mom died when she was about 5, and she is struggling with having a place to live. Unfortunately, the boy is such a jerk that he -without even thinking about her- made fun of the girl for not having a mom. He said that me and him were going to go home to our homes, where we live happily and safely (rubbing it in that she doesn't have a home like that), then said he was gonna talk to his mom about something, and all the great things she does for him, and how she should be jealous. Every day it was a different awful remark that he would make to her for not having a mom, and before too long i could tell she was really hurt by what he was saying. I felt absolutely terrible for her, because even without being teased about it she's going through some rough times. Once i noticed that this bullying was becoming a routine, I immediately stood up to him and told him he needs to lay off. I made a mistake by not taking it as seriously as i should have, because every once in awhile the boy still bully's the girl, and i take it as a lesson to take bullying more seriously, as should everyone else.


I have never been bullyed but my brother has. He was the new kid in school and everybody picked on him because he was short. He got bullyed so bad once that he got sent to the emergency room. Then over the summer he grew a lot and everybody left him alone.

Alex M. blue block said...

Last year this one kid came up to me and called me a bad name. It didn't make me feel very good but I didn't let it get to me. i just laughed it off and acted like i didn't hurt me. If this happend to someone else I would say not to show that it hurts you.

ben Suhler red block said...

in october and a little bit in november i was called benjamin button olmost every day it awas super anoying

Griffin.C Blue Block said...

During lunch I was buying a pizza, and one kid in front of me bought a pizza too. But then someone came up and took a bite out of the other kid's pizza. I didn't do anything but I wish I had. Things like this happen every day and I wish that they could stop, because they're wrong.

Isaac Waggoner Blue block said...

A couple years ago during break I saw a kid being called mean names on the play structure. I felt sad for the kid being called names. I went up to the person who was bullying the kid and i told him to knock it off, then the bully ran away. The advise i would give someone is to stand up to the bully because what if you were the one being bullied you would want someone to protect you.

Ben Suhler RED BLOCK said...

a month ago i was repeatidly called "benjamin button". even when i said stop they still did it it realy anoyed me thats what hapened when i got bullyed even when i said stop.
