Did you forget a blog post? Whoops!

Did you forget a blog post? Whoops!

The good news: you can make it up!

1. Complete the missing blog
2. Email Mrs. Blancher or tell me in class so I can look at it!
3. Double check that I remembered to look at it by checking your online grades (updated on almost every Friday)

Monday, January 28, 2013

Islam (Wk 18)

Islam is a new topic for many of you. In teacher talk, an "ah ha" moment is when someone learns something new or makes a connection in their brain (go dendrites!). What has your biggest ah ha moment been this week druing our study of Islam?

When I first started teaching about Islam, my biggest ah ha moment was learning how Muslims live their faith each day. It takes a great commitmetn to stop what you are doing, five times each day, and be intentional about prayer. Also, the idea of  fasting during the Holy Month of Ramadan is hard. I had a friend growing up that would fast and I never understood why he didn't eat lunch during this time. To live as a Muslim, meaning to follow the Five Pillars of Faith each day, takes great commitment and I admire those that do!

Remember to pay attention to commas this week!!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Quarter 2 Reflection (Wk 17)

As first quarter comes to a close, reflect back on the last 9 weeks. What has gone well? What did you learn about yourself? Is there anything that you will do differently next quarter? What strategies have you applied or want to try (for organization, homework completion, test preparation, etc.)? Think about all your classes, not just LA/SS!

Remember to use proper capitalization and punctuation!

Can you believe we're half way through the school year?! WOW! Find your blog post from the end of first quarter (scroll all the way to the bottom and click on "Older Posts" to find the blog titled "End of First Quarter Reflection (Wk 8)). Find your post and reflect on what you did well with this goal and areas you need to continue to improve. Write about what has gone well and areas you'd still like to focus on. What did you learn about yourself? Is there anything that you will do differently next quarter?

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Catch Up Week (Week 16)

To earn credit for the blog this week, you must go back to check the last three weeks blogs. For each date you will need to tell me who posted a comment right before you. If you were first to post a comment, you can write, "I posted first!" See the example below for how you should post your comment for this week. If you are missing a comment, please complete it before this one! That way you have someone that you posted after. Remember: Friday is the cutoff for late work, so anything not finished becomes a ZERO!

Resloutions: I posted after Sarah M.
The Byzantines: I posted first!
CDCM Paragraphs:  I posted after Griffin C.

Monday, January 7, 2013

New Year's Traditions: Resolutions! (Week 15)

New Year's Resolutions are not something new. This tradition too relates back to ancient times - the Babylonians! While we may resolve to be healthier or nicer to our parents, the Babylonians most popular resolution? To return borrowed farm equiptment!

Clearly, making resolutions have been ehre a long time and I don't think this tradition is going anywhere. Why do you think people make New Year Resolutions year after year.

Please write a minimum of 4 sentences explaining your thinking!

Feel free to share any resolutions you made if you want to, but it's not required. I've resolved to run a half marathon with my sisters and floss more regularly!