Did you forget a blog post? Whoops!

Did you forget a blog post? Whoops!

The good news: you can make it up!

1. Complete the missing blog
2. Email Mrs. Blancher or tell me in class so I can look at it!
3. Double check that I remembered to look at it by checking your online grades (updated on almost every Friday)

Monday, November 26, 2012

Multiple Intelligences (Wk 11)

How do you show your Mutliple Intelligences (MI)? Rememeber, these are to be celebrated - so celerbrate yourself!

One way that I show my strongest MI of logical/mathematical is that I love to make "To Do" Lists. Somehow it's very satisfying to write something down and mark it off the list. For example, I had a Thanksgiving To Do List that started the Sunday before Thanksgiving and stretched through the holiday so that I was able to get everything done. To Do Lists help me stay organized and I can work through my tasks step by step.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Caesar vs. Augustus Caesar (Week 10)

Tuesday in class you learned about two different Roman Rulers:  Julius Caesar and Augustus Caesar. If you need a refresher, find the PPT titled "After the Punic Wars" posted on Edline! Write a CD/CM Paragraph answering this question:
Who was a better leader, Julius Caesar or Augustus Caesar?

Please write a CD/CM Paragraph to answer the question (see the prompts for what to put for each sentence):
  • Topic Sentence [1 sentence]:  Answer the prompt (this will NOT be a TADA sentence - instead a sentence that answers it)
  • CD [1 sentence]:  Pick one fact (it will not be a direct excerpt) and cite Mrs. Blancher (no page number either on this one).
  • CMs [2 sentences]:  Explain how the CD shows he is a great leader.
  • Conclusion [1-2 sentences]:  Answer this question - why was he a great leader?

Monday, November 5, 2012

Bullying...Charlie experienced it...you probably have too... (Wk 9)

Being bullied. We have seen it, experienced it, and may have been a bully to someone. Bullying is when a person is picked on over and over again by an individual or group with more power, either in terms of physical strength or social standing.
Describe a time when you saw or experienced a form of bullying. Be sure to address these questions in your description of the incident:
  • What happened?
  • How did you feel?
  • What did you do? OR What did you wish you had done?
  • What advice would you give someone based on your experience?
 This response should be a paragraph in length!