Did you forget a blog post? Whoops!

Did you forget a blog post? Whoops!

The good news: you can make it up!

1. Complete the missing blog
2. Email Mrs. Blancher or tell me in class so I can look at it!
3. Double check that I remembered to look at it by checking your online grades (updated on almost every Friday)

Monday, December 17, 2012

The Byzantines (Wk 14)

The Byzantine Empire was the part of the Roman Empire that flourished and survivied for many more years! Why do you think the Byzantines were able to continue to exist and grow?

Please answer this question in a short paragraph!
*Please wait until Tuesday to answer this - we'll talk about  this in class on Tuesday!

Monday, December 10, 2012

CDCM Paragraphs (Week 13)

How are your CDCM Paragraphs going? You really hit them hard this week with the Fall of Rome Essay. Please think about the following questions and then write a short paragraph (3-5 sentences) explaining your thoughts on CDCM.
  • EVERYONE: please write one sentence stating your understanding of a CDCM paragraph--what it is OR how you would use it.
Then use these questions as jumping off points to create the rest of your paragraph:
  • What is easy for you to understand about CDCM paragraphs?
  • What is confusing or difficult about CDCM paragraphs?
  • Is there a specific part of a CDCM paragraph that you would like me to explain more indepth?
  • Do you feel you have enough "tools" to go forward with these or do you need more support?

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Traditions (Wk 12)

During this season, many families bring about time honored traditions.  Please explain two or three traditions or beliefs you and your family share (in complete sentences!) Try to avoid saying that you celebrate a specific holiday. Traditions would be a way that you celebrate something - anything really!

Here are three family traditions of mine!
A family tradition is the You are Special Today Plate. My parents have a plate that is red and says "You are Special Today" around the edge. When there is something special that has happened for one of my sisters or myself, we get to eat off that plate. Each year, we would use it for our birthday dinner, but then also if we won a special award, at graduations, and times when my parents wanted to recognize one of us. I know it's just a plate, but it definitely makes me smile still when they bring it out!

On my Mom's side of the family, we are Irish. Every year, the Leprechauns would come to our house the night before St. Patrick's Day and cause havoc! They would leave small green footprints all over our counters, mess up things on the table and even turn our milk green! This was something fun that my Mom did each year to celebrate St. Patrick's Day.

The last tradition was the celebration of grades. My parents wanted us to work hard, and the end grade didn't matter as long as we had tried our hardest. To celebrate when report cards came, we would go to Ferdinand's Ice Creamery at WSU. We could get as many scoops as we wanted! It was a fun way to celebrate a job well done and finishing another term at school. They even took me out for ice cream to celebrate during college and graduate school :)

Monday, November 26, 2012

Multiple Intelligences (Wk 11)

How do you show your Mutliple Intelligences (MI)? Rememeber, these are to be celebrated - so celerbrate yourself!

One way that I show my strongest MI of logical/mathematical is that I love to make "To Do" Lists. Somehow it's very satisfying to write something down and mark it off the list. For example, I had a Thanksgiving To Do List that started the Sunday before Thanksgiving and stretched through the holiday so that I was able to get everything done. To Do Lists help me stay organized and I can work through my tasks step by step.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Caesar vs. Augustus Caesar (Week 10)

Tuesday in class you learned about two different Roman Rulers:  Julius Caesar and Augustus Caesar. If you need a refresher, find the PPT titled "After the Punic Wars" posted on Edline! Write a CD/CM Paragraph answering this question:
Who was a better leader, Julius Caesar or Augustus Caesar?

Please write a CD/CM Paragraph to answer the question (see the prompts for what to put for each sentence):
  • Topic Sentence [1 sentence]:  Answer the prompt (this will NOT be a TADA sentence - instead a sentence that answers it)
  • CD [1 sentence]:  Pick one fact (it will not be a direct excerpt) and cite Mrs. Blancher (no page number either on this one).
  • CMs [2 sentences]:  Explain how the CD shows he is a great leader.
  • Conclusion [1-2 sentences]:  Answer this question - why was he a great leader?

Monday, November 5, 2012

Bullying...Charlie experienced it...you probably have too... (Wk 9)

Being bullied. We have seen it, experienced it, and may have been a bully to someone. Bullying is when a person is picked on over and over again by an individual or group with more power, either in terms of physical strength or social standing.
Describe a time when you saw or experienced a form of bullying. Be sure to address these questions in your description of the incident:
  • What happened?
  • How did you feel?
  • What did you do? OR What did you wish you had done?
  • What advice would you give someone based on your experience?
 This response should be a paragraph in length!

Monday, October 29, 2012

End of First Quarter Reflection (Wk 8)

As first quarter comes to a close, reflect back on the last 9 weeks. What has gone well? What did you learn about yourself? Is there anything that you will do differently next quarter? What strategies have you applied or want to try (for organization, homework completion, test preparation, etc.)? Think about all your classes, not just LA/SS!

Remember to use proper capitalization and punctuation!

Monday, October 22, 2012

It's Greek to Me! (Week 7)

Please write a minimum of 3 sentences that explaining 2 or more ways Greece has influenced our lives. Think about art, architecture, government, drama, philosophy...and so much more! Please be specific, not general:

Poor example:  Greece has influenced us in philosophy.

Strong example (this is only for one - don't forget to do at least 2 ways!):  Greek philosophy has influenced us through the Socratic Seminar, where the focus is questioning and gaining deeper understanding instead of accepting truths at face value.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Greek Art Lit (Wk 6)

Monday in class, you learned about the art of the Ancient Greeks. Please give one fact from the presentation and then give at least two reasons what you found interesting about it.

The Golden Rectangle was found in the architecture of the Greeks. It is interesting that they focused on having a balanced view for their buildings. This shows that a sense of beauty was important to the Greeks, especially the Athenians. Using the Golden Rectangle made it so that the Greeks had beauty in their architecture.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Golden Sentences (Wk 5)

Look at your Golden Sentences from Monday - the ones your peers thought really stood out.

Pick one of them:
  • Type your sentence in.
  • THEN write a few sentences about why you like it, what makes it strong or why you think other people liked it.
*Were you absent on Monday? Pick a sentence from your writing that you like to complete this!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Setting TADA (Wk 4)

Write a TADA sentence to answer the following prompt - remember, you need Title, Author and a Direct Answer to the question!

Does the author in the independent novel you are reading do a good showing the setting?

Your answer should be one sentence in length.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Family Based Communities up to Kingdoms! (Week 3)

Last week in class, we discussed reasons for growth from family based communities to towns/villages to cities to kingdoms. You also examined this through your Ch. 12 Reading Notes.

Here is your question for this week:  Why would a group move from a family based community to a town/village? From a town/village to city? What would allow a group to become a kingdom? Things to consider: Ch. 12, Amazing Race, Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.

This week's blog should be a short paragraph. 

Monday, September 17, 2012

Favorite Books and TADA!

Please write a BEST TADA Sentence answering the following question:

Why should someone read your favorite book?

T = Title
A = Author
DA = Directly Answers the Prompt!

See the notes on Good, Better, Best and TADA sentences in the Tool Box Section of your LA Spiral if you need to jog your memory!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Did you find me?!

Were you able to access the blog? Reply to let me know you did to the following question:

Do you like Chocolate or Vanilla better?

Reminder for how to comment:

  1. Click on “Post a Comment” and write your response in the box!
  2.  REMEMBER: always use proper capitalization, punctuation, spelling, etc.
  3. Under “Choose an Identity” choose “Name/URL”
  4.  Put First name, last initial and Blue Block in ‘Name” NOTHING goes in “URL”
    • It already says “Optional” so that’s your reminder to put nothing there
  5. Click “Publish Your Comment”
    •  Won’t post? Click “Preview” and “Post Comment” from there OR email it to Mrs. Blancher.
  6. Check that it showed up!